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August 20 BMQ


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Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone here is slated for the August 20 BMQ in St. Jean?
Traffic Tech from NB. Where are you from? I just got the call this morning!
you are from NB!! nice i went there last years it's a very nice place!
Me i am from Repentigny in Quebec near Montreal!
I also got the call this morning at 10 am! a friend of mine got his call to but he start on agust 8 also for infantry soldier
I'm also starting BMQ the 20Th of august! Traffic Tech I'm guessing I'm in the french platoon. Hope to see you guys there! :)
You getting excited, jemcgrg?

I'm sure we'll see some more offers coming through in the next few weeks.
Did someone know if french/english platton do simulation-forced walk or anything together ? Or they really seperate french whit french and english whit english!?
And hey !!! Only 25 day:0!!!!!!  ;D
Heck yeah I am getting excited! I've been waiting three years for this! Also a slight bit terrified but thats healthy. Or so I hear :)

They are very separate. We might eat at the same time but thats about it.
Here's some advice for you guys and girls;

1. Wake up early. Force yourself for the next month to wake up at 5 am. Not only that, wake up at 5 am and shave. Get your face toughened up and ready for shaving ever day. This will also help you teach yourself to shave faster- shave in under 5 minutes.

2. Start running. Wake up, shave and go for a jog. It doesn't have to be a death run.  Aim for 5Kms in 35 minutes, then 30 then if you can 25.  Get your body used to waking up and working out.

3. When you get back from your run shower and see how quickly you can shower. See if you can do it in 2 minutes.

Biggest problem I've seen or heard of people having is basic fitness and being able to manage their time. If you start working at it even just a month before course your course will be much easier and you will be less tempted to quit or "hurt yourself on PT".
thanks alot  ObedientiaZelum for the hint! if you have any other info or thing to help for preparation would be greatly appreciated! (or send it to me in PM )
Good luck to all in your preparation!
---- 24 day'S! ;D
Sure.  Lay out everything you're bringing on the floor and look at all the civilian stuff and say "Do i really need that?"
Most of your civilian stuff as a rule will stay unused through out your whole course. You'll bring too many clothes, too much shampoo, too many "things".  You don't need 3 bars of soap "in case" one runs out.  Think light. 

Pack the bare minimum. No first aid kids. No alarm clocks. No 6 changes of clothes (giant knifes allowed). 
You don't even need a laptop. Buy a couple books.

Lean to detach from all your "stuff" and operate with the bare minimum.  Lay EVERYTHING out on your floor and ask yourself "Do I need that?"
I definitely appreciate the advice! I was worried I would over pack. I have a tendency to do that.
thanks alot again : ObedientiaZelum for the advice! if you have anything else  you wanna share its very helpful!!!

Did there is a facebook group for the 20 agust promotion!?
Canttt wait to start  ;D
I checked facebook and didn't see anything but I don't know if there is some specific place to look.
Jarry said:
thanks alot again : ObedientiaZelum for the advice! if you have anything else  you wanna share its very helpful!!!

did you go for a run this morning at 515 am?
Haha :p hell yeah being 6 months now im running alot because i know the infantry course :camo: after qmb is alot of this ! !!!

And im not really good whit computer and facebook ...if you want create the page anc copy me the link and i will join the group !!
Have a nice week to all  !
21 day'sss  ;D :o