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Arrested By Civilian Police

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Big T

Jr. Member
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I searched and did not find anything... so here goes nothing...

If you were in the military (Army/Navy/Airforce) and were involved in a situation where you were arrested by a civilian police officer... would you then be handed over to the Military Police once they have been notifired? How does this work?
Big T said:
I searched and did not find anything... so here goes nothing...

If you were in the military (Army/Navy/Airforce) and were involved in a situation where you were arrested by a civilian police officer... would you then be handed over to the Military Police once they have been notifired? How does this work?

If you are reg force they, upon searching you, would find your ID card and probably report your presence and the details of your arrest to the MP's.

If you are a reservist then no they would not unless you were wearing the uniform, or on duty at the time.
I see! Thanks
Would the MP's be easier to deal with do you think? (more or less, family?) (stupid Question, I know)
Big T said:
I see! Thanks
Would the MP's be easier to deal with do you think? (more or less, family?) (stupid Question, I know)

Its all very circumstancial...Do you have a specific situation in mind?
Not realy, but my thoughts were more or less a minor crime! (assault(self defence), drunk in public, disturbing the peace(what dosn't this mean)... situations like that)
You'll do your time in the Civie Jail, be released if it is not a serious crime, and then make an appearance at Civie Court.  You'll be wise to get a Civie Lawyer too then.  After that, the CF may decide you are an Administrative Burden and kick you out.  Today's Armed Forces doesn't like to do these things, so they are washing their hands of it all and leaving it to the Civie Courts to give you a Criminal Record.  This is the New Army.

The old Army would see your Duty Sgt and Duty Officer come pick you up and throw you into Cells at the Base, Charge you, and you would do your time in the Military Justice System.  In the end, your Conduct Sheet remained a Military matter, unless you had committed a serious offence such as murder or some other similarly serious crime against the Criminal Code of Canada.  Not anymore.  Now you get a Civie Record that will hang around your neck...... :o
As a member of the CF (Reg or Reserve) you are required to report any arrest by civilian police to your chain of command. 
Slim said:
If you are a reservist then no they would not unless you were wearing the uniform, or on duty at the time.

No...they still contact Reg MP's.....

The Mp's will decide if they should contact your Unit, or give you the option.....

Still better to be upfront with the MP's and your Unit!!!
Big T said:
I searched and did not find anything... so here goes nothing...

If you were in the military (Army/Navy/Airforce) and were involved in a situation where you were arrested by a civilian police officer... would you then be handed over to the Military Police once they have been notifired? How does this work?

When I was arrested by the Calgary Police, the local MPs were informed as a matter of courtesy; I was then interrogated by members of the Special Investigations Unit, this was 7 or 8 years ago now, however.  I was a reservist at the time, and the CPS told me that military police were contacted as a matter of courtesy.  I was not in uniform nor was I on duty at the time.
It's more to see if there is any "dirt" on you they can use against you!
As as sidenote, while in Gagetown this past summer our Pl. Warrant basically said if we ended up in some kind of trouble with the law (while offbase) to call him and he'd act as our lawyer, as he put it, and get us out of the slammer. If I ended up in that situation, frankly  I'd have preferred the night in jail, for heck hath no fury like a pissed off Sr NCO, especially if said Sr NCO had to to get OCdt. Bloggins out of the pokey. Needless to say, we were all on our best behaviour. I can easily say that nobody wanted to see what alternative punishments awaited us. Actually, I remember a case in another Pl. where two OCdts were with an intoxicated driver, doing burnouts behind the shacks, on a Tuesday night. MP's quickly came and busted the driver and occupants, and the PL WO for the candidates' platoon basically got the two candidates out of the cells, and kept them from being charged and kicked off course, but what was inflicted on those two for the following few days...they very quickly *regretted* their inappropriate behaviour. 

Any fine in excess of $200 resulting from a Summary Trial or Court Martial results in a Criminal Record. Those punishments can only be pardoned after 5 years.
Gunner98 said:

Any fine in excess of $200 resulting from a Summary Trial or Court Martial results in a Criminal Record. Those punishments can only be pardoned after 5 years.

A civilian Criminal Record? How would they define a $300.00 conduct contrary for insubordination on a civie report?
ALWAYS let your Warrant know.......Most of those guys have been in your shoes and know how to get you out of trouble or at least minimize the impact on your life/career. Better to have your WO pissed at you for 20 min for waking him up at 4am, then having him pissed off for a LONG time because his Pl Comdr or the S/Maj has asked him why one of his soldiers was arrested lastnight..........

My $.02

i knew a person who was in the military he got charged with assault by civi police then put in a civi slammer for # months and then came back and did his job..dont know what happend to him though after that..
telling your immediate superior immediately in the Navy is called damage control.....

when it comes down from the top (Wardroom) "its called a shit storm heading your way"

always use the chain of command.......if used with honesty....in theory it should never fail u
This is a true story.

I was rudly arrested by the Regina City Police back in April 0f 1991 with their revolvers drawn and pointed at my face by 'plain clothes' cops, right at the front door of my home, infront of my neighbours at 1800hrs on a weekday, and placed in cuffs.

The SIU CFB Moose Jaw MPs were right there along side of the Regina loser (other Regina police had nicknamed this 'constable' 'Worms' I was later told). Apparently an over zealous CFB MJ Wpn Tech I invited to my house to show him my collection (after he showed much common interest over a few months) of firearms thought one could not possess FN C1A1 rifles, bayonets, 9mm C1 SMGs, Nella C7 bayonets and 9mm Inglis Browning HPs, plus heaps of other fun things.

At the time I was on CL B 'A' service. The MPs had informed my unit and things went up and down the chain of command from there. I was banned from doing my job as armourer and was sent doing other sterile things until things cleared up in a matter of days, but my integerity and reputation were truly damaged by one man's ignorance and attitude of firearms, and an anti-gun cop! It took years for my neighbours to even conduct a conversation with me, and ther rumours within the Regina garrison ( and later the entire District) where as usual, blown away out of proportion.

My property (entire collection) was siezed, and I spent a humiliating crappy night in a cold gaol cell. Although I was not charged, I was placed in cells because I could not be trusted to sit in my own home while it was being ripped apart (literally), nor could i go and stay at my relitave's home either. It took the police 14 hrs to gut my house and two van loads to confiscate my personal property.

Although it took 6 wks to recover all my property, I was charged with 'possession of a switch blade knife' (one of them OD NATO $10 blades from Germany - many will know the one I mean).   I had to go for pics and prints (which I later witnessed destroyed in front of me when things were done - even got a souviner mug shot to keep). Amoung items siezed was firearms and ammunition, knives, and bayonets, books, manuals, military kit, foreign and CF) and get this, even photographs of friends and family, some even of my two Siamese cats (Sam and Co-Co).

It all went to court in Oct of 1991 (PCMIS in Regina) where the charge was quashed by the judge in less than 10 minutes, as it was part of a bonifide knife collection, and the knife was returned to me by the Regina Police, in which I gave it to the anit-gun left wing crusading Cop (this guy was even shunned by his own kind), after he too said he was sorry, and told him "and what, give you another chance to come into my house - you keep the knife"!

Prior to the court date, many of Regina's finest came forward as character references on my behalf, and Worms told his superiors that they were all a bunch of right wing national socialists, before collasping and being taken away in an ambulance with my file clutched in his hands. He was later diagnosed with an anxiety/panic attack, but when I got the news I did get some 'comic relief' out of it.

CFB MJ's MPs later appologised (and meant it) to me for the inconvienience, putting all the blame on the Regina Police. The Regina Police officially said SFA (yes some of my property was indeed damaged)! The cost? $5,000 in legal fess which I never recovered.  

Gulity until proved innocent, and to this day, after all these years has left my trust for the police very low, and the incompetance of the Regina Police still is a thorn in my side after all these years too. So, gun owners who are CF members, and collectors of firearms (military), watch your step, and learn something from this.

Personally for me, it was the beginning of the end to my happy days of collecting. This event had taken away my interest and  the love of collecting, and always kept me on guard and vigilent for many years to come.

I did speak to Dave T of the NFA about this, and he had warned me this would happen to others of the collecting community.


HFXCrow said:
I see why u moved to Australia

Not quite, my primary reason was female related, secondary was change of pace, and to re-discover a brave new world in the form of the hottest, flattest, driest continent (next to Antarctica, its the driest) full of biting and stinging freaks of nature, meat pies, sausage rolls, lamingtons, pavolva, snot blocks, caramel slices, Bundy rum, and cold XXXX Gold! Also can't forget the ocean and the beach, the SCUBA diiving, the Outback, the bush, the Great Dividing Ranges, and other fine Aussie things.


Wes, the same thing happened to a Warrant Officer in the Calgary garrison years ago - full auto collector, he was on the news as having an 'arms cache' and in all the papers; TV footage of his .50 and Vickers being hauled off.

He got it all back IIRC, and is now a MWO with the MMM to boot, personally presented by the G-G.  He picks the new small arms for the entire Army.

It's funny; nicest guy you would ever want to meet; I've eaten in his home.  Soft spoken, enormously intelligent.  Guess they run out of "real" criminals to go after sometimes.

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