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Are we that weak?


Army.ca Fixture
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Canadians saying that they are triggered seeing people flying the Canadian flag on a pickup? JFC are we that weak now that a piece of cloth with colours on it will put folks into the fetal position? How about we grow a backbone and tell the arseholes who are using our national symbols to represent their stupid ideology to take a hike instead of crying that they feel bad when they see it.

So what do you think when you see these flags now?


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Like I'm the luckiest bastard in the world.

I actually counted all the Countries I'd been to during my time in the CAF (27) and thought about this the other day.

A substantial portion of the rest of the World is actually pretty crap in comparison. Garbage, pollution, poverty, war, inequality, bigotry, racism, etc.

Take our water for instance, it's amongst the cleanest in the World.
I proudly fly the Canadian flag, Red Ensign and Naval Ensign at various different times. I've never had a bad reaction.

I did have someone ask me what the Red Ensign was and why I was flying it. That was around the time those fools in Halifax used it to make a fool of themselves. Once I explained what it was, and the blood that was spilled under it the conversation ended and the questioner thanked me.
To be honest, I’d be worried if people didn’t care about those symbols and just shrugged if they saw them being misused.

I’d rather we tell the ones doing it to frig off (and a lot of people do actually do that).

But those who get upset or triggered at least are a step up from those that just shrug and couldn’t care less.
Its not that its "triggering" in a " omg I need a safe space" way. More of a "wow, look at the douche canoe that has a thousand "F*ck Trudeau stickers and a Trump 2024 one alongside the flag I've served under for 15 years" kind of triggering.

I used to see flags on vehicles and wonder if it was IIHF season, FIFA, or a hangover from the Olympics. Because its been hijacked by idiots, I always take a second glance to see if they're patriotic, or just an idiot.

I feel the same way about the Red Ensign. Its a nice enough flag. Some folks have an attachment to it. Some are complete asshats who have hijacked its usage.
Canadians saying that they are triggered seeing people flying the Canadian flag on a pickup? JFC are we that weak now that a piece of cloth with colours on it will put folks into the fetal position? How about we grow a backbone and tell the arseholes who are using our national symbols to represent their stupid ideology to take a hike instead of crying that they feel bad when they see it.

So what do you think when you see these flags now?
Triggered is a buzzword that means to cause someone to lose their temper/emotional control. But it doesn't mean irritated by.

As @rmc_wannabe stated it's context.
Flying a flag on a pickup has been coopted by protestors and signifies a political stance. Flying a Canada flag in any other context doesn't. It's an association thing.

Saw plenty of Canada flags from people who were not protestors on Canada Day. No issues.
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More of a "wow, look at the douche canoe that has a thousand "F*ck Trudeau stickers and a Trump 2024 one alongside the flag I've served under for 15 years" kind of triggering.


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Its not that its "triggering" in a " omg I need a safe space" way. More of a "wow, look at the douche canoe that has a thousand "F*ck Trudeau stickers and a Trump 2024 one alongside the flag I've served under for 15 years" kind of triggering.

I used to see flags on vehicles and wonder if it was IIHF season, FIFA, or a hangover from the Olympics. Because its been hijacked by idiots, I always take a second glance to see if they're patriotic, or just an idiot.

I feel the same way about the Red Ensign. Its a nice enough flag. Some folks have an attachment to it. Some are complete asshats who have hijacked its usage.

I see a ton of F*** Trudeau flags around town. I dont count those as national flags though ;)
So what do you think when you see these flags now?
Grateful to be a Canadian, for sure. But like others have said, context matters BIG time.
... How about we grow a backbone and tell the arseholes who are using our national symbols to represent their stupid ideology to take a hike instead of crying that they feel bad when they see it ....
Great point. Might be good for more than just "the triggered" to speak out against the misuse of the flag for partisan reasons - could be even more powerful from people saying, "hey, I understand why you're pissed off about x, but using the flag this specific way isn't the way to do it."

I actually counted all the Countries I'd been to during my time in the CAF (27) and thought about this the other day.

A substantial portion of the rest of the World is actually pretty crap in comparison. Garbage, pollution, poverty, war, inequality, bigotry, racism, etc.

Take our water for instance, it's amongst the cleanest in the World.
You're right about that. Too bad some people in this country want to undo all the things that make it great.
I don't think it's a trigger, but more of a warning you might be dealing with a freedum convoy douchebag. I just take it as a cue to look for other signs, but don't assume anything.

More of a convenient early warning system, with the potential for high 'false positives'. Pretty context dependent though; didn't really give it any thought when I was in a rural area around Canada day where there were a lot of work trucks, but when there are dumbasses with pickups screaming around the suburbs of the NCR with a bunch of flags then it's safer to start with a 'dealing with a dumbass' posture and adjust from there is warranted.
Flags are flown by all sorts of people with all sorts of grievances. A first thing to understand is that they often believe they are more patriotic than you. The challenge is to drill down and find out what sorts of underlying ideals they elevate, and which they deprecate. Then you should acknowledge which ideals are legitimate; you shouldn't just select the despicable ones and despise them.
Too bad some people in this country want to undo all the things that make it great.

Hard call to make. The thing about everything in the past is that all of it is what got us to where we are. The ideas of old dead white men, written down and enforced, are what enabled us to set aside some of the ideas of old dead white men.