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another thread titled a few questions about Basic

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Im going away to St Jean 21 July 2008.  I have a few questions that I have spent some time searching for the answer, so if anyone could help out or point me to a link that I missed it would be helpful.

1. When arriving by plane in Montreal?? is there a shuttle to CFLRS or are you to supply your own transportation at your own expense?

2. What are the breaks in between training? I am going 031 Infantry and Im curious if there is time off in between training?

3. Is there leave for holidays? Particularly more so on BIQ because I will be completing BMQ in Oct.(thanksgiving, christmas)

4. What is the menu or food like at BMQ, SQ, BIQ like?(obviously while in the racks and not on exercise)

Hey Kallan, Since we're both leaving on the same day, This is what my recruiting center told me.
From the airport (this is also included in your joining instructions if you've gotten them yet, I know some haven't (on our bmq date) but I received mine.) Depending on what day, there WILL be a shuttle bus  or an instructor in uniform between certain hours for transportation. I know some depending on what time your flight is, will have to pay a taxi over.  Best bring some pocket money just in case things go wrong.
From what I've researched, we don't get time off between? (Someone can clarify, here's the posting http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/57257.0.html.) We're posted... somewhere and pretty much 1-3 months after we get to begin SQ then right after BIQ. From what I've been told, (recruiting center) SQ will start basically automatically for me.

As for your other questions, no clue. I thought everyone (except those overseas obviously) gets 2 weeks or so off? (clarification needed) and I'm pretty sure that I'm not gonna care what the foods gonna be like.  I'm a BIG eater so I'll be so hungry by the time we get to eat I'd eat anything!!
(pm on the way as well kallan)

(edited to include link)
1,  they should have given you instructions at the CFRC, anyway, under normal circumstances, someone should be there to meet you.  Call your recruiter and confirm.

2. Breaks between training are hard to forecast, it all depends on how backlogged the schools are.  To be honest, it's probably best to get it all done and over with, the sooner you get to your unit, the sooner you can feel like a human again, and it will be harder to stay into it if your wasting away on PAT platoon.

3. When courses run over holidays like christmas, there is time given.

4. You will be eating too fast to taste it anyway.  In garrison, and in the field.  
Reopened, but not for long. If someone wants to help show him where this stuff is, or answer his questions (again) do it quick. Clocks ticking.
Ive spent hours reading all the information this site has to offer.  I have asked these questions (again) because some of the information I have found is a little bit older.

Thanks for your answer Gumby that pretty much sums it up well. As I see you have gone through all this in the last few years.

Alot of threads I have found are directly related to personal situations so I thought I would ask a few questions personally related to me

Thanks to recceguy for helping me out, it is greatly appreciated.
And thanks to everyone else who replies!

The food in St Jean...
Everyone complains about the food in St Jean...it is cafeteria food...it is mass produced...it is meant to satisfy the void and keep you running.
It isn't really that bad. There is always salad, always soup, always juice, milk and pop. If you want to eat healthy, you can...if you want to eat grease for 3 months, you can do that too, its your choice.
Don't whine about the food...its not Mom's cooking for sure but its free, its warm, its healthy (if you make the right choices) and there is variety. There will be other things to complain about while you are there...leave the hard working kitchen staff alone...heck, even say please and thank you to them, I'm sure they will appreciate it.

And as stated before...the taste doesn't matter, it won't stay that long in your mouth anyway.
Thats exactly what I wanted to hear. The ability to make your own choices and variety is always nice.

Im a fast eater, and not very picky anyhow, but wasn't sure as to how the food was served.

Ok, here goes...I just got home from basic a month ago so some of this is still fresh .... :crybaby: :crybaby:

kallan2105 said:
I'm going away to St Jean 21 July 2008.  I have a few questions that I have spent some time searching for the answer, so if anyone could help out or point me to a link that I missed it would be helpful.

1. When arriving by plane in Montreal?? is there a shuttle to CFLRS or are you to supply your own transportation at your own expense?
I drove myself, it was great for weekends when we actually got out...anyway, normally there is a bus or van at the airport, take cash just in case as sometimes there is miscomunication on flight times or the bus is full, lucky lucky.  If you have to pay for a cab youshould get reimbursed at some point during course. :)

2. What are the breaks in between training? I am going 031 Infantry and I'm curious if there is time off in between training?
I am currently awaiting my 3's training, I am on OJT at home to be with my hubby and kids and I may be waiting for up to a year for my 3's.  I may get sent on smaller courses but the main one is awhile off.  If I was going combat arms the wait is normally less time, SQ starts every few weeks and then the fun begins for you.

3. Is there leave for holidays? Particularly more so on BIQ because I will be completing BMQ in Oct.(thanksgiving, christmas)
The instructors will tell you that you only get leave if they decide you earn it, for Thanksgiving/Easter they could confine you to base, depending on when in your training you are and if your platoon is made of slug bate.  Anyway, block leave is given for Christmas and most people are kicked out of the Mega for around 3 weeks, if you don't have enough annual time by Christmas you get "Academic special" or you "owe" the military leave days.  That happened to me and it is just free leave days given.

4. What is the menu or food like at BMQ, SQ, BIQ like?(obviously while in the racks and not on exercise)
Ahh, the food at the Mega....go left for healthy and go right for fat.  You'll see what I mean when you get there.  Fresh sandwiches made in front of you on the left and fish Friday was normally pretty good, the clam chowder wasn't bad.  After a few weeks you start to get used to the food and get sick after you pig out at McD's on your first weekend out :)  IMP's suck!!  The Farnham kitchen has amazingly good food and like someone said, there is always soup, salad and fruits available. 

Best of luck and enjoy it, you couldn't pay me enough to go again  ;D
I was in the meaford mess one time for cadets, Pizza for breakfast definatley a +1
1. Don't count on a bus being there, it might not, so make sure you have 110$ cash for a cab, get a receipt.

2. If you are going infantry chances are your course will start almost immediately after bmq.

3. If you are in the field, no you probably wont get time off. But otherwise you'll get easter, thanksgiving off etc.. if you are not doing anything important.

4. The food is pretty good, it's easy to eat healthy. In farnham the food is alright too, but probably just tastes so good to most people because they've been eating boxed lunches and IMP's all week.
And  that should be sufficient. That, and everything else already posted on the site......available with a search.


Milnet.ca Staff
Heya, i am new to the forums, well at least newly registered i have been following these forums for awhile though.

Before i say anything, I'd like to apologize in advance if these questions were posted somewhere and were answered but i have used the search function several times and i was unable to find the information I've been looking for. I applied back in May for Reserve, i put a lot of thought in to going Reg Force but due to some personal(nothing bad) things going on in my life i decided to stick with Reserve, for now anyway. Recently i have completed the application process and i have been put on the merit list, so its just a matter of time before i start BMQ i think, however it looks like I'll be doing a weekend BMQ and i am completely cool with that. My question is, and out of curiosity, is it possible for a Reservist to request and be put on a Reg/Full time BMQ course that would start sometime in the fall? I understand that i would have to talk to my Unit for something like this, but the person i need to speak with is on leave at the moment so I'm just a bit anxious to hear if anyone has ever done something like this or if it was even possible.

Another question i have may not be for this topic, but i don't want to make several threads here so i figure I'll ask here. At the moment my girlfriend is in the States, and after my BMQ if i am able to and have to the time I'd like to go down there and stay with her for a bit. She really wants to see me in uniform, so my question is, would i be able to wear my CADPAT Uniform while traveling in to the States?

Thank you all in advance for any answers or simply reading my post here. :D
PTony said:
Heya, i am new to the forums, well at least newly registered i have been following these forums for awhile though.

Before i say anything, I'd like to apologize in advance if these questions were posted somewhere and were answered but i have used the search function several times and i was unable to find the information I've been looking for. I applied back in May for Reserve, i put a lot of thought in to going Reg Force but due to some personal(nothing bad) things going on in my life i decided to stick with Reserve, for now anyway. Recently i have completed the application process and i have been put on the merit list, so its just a matter of time before i start BMQ i think, however it looks like I'll be doing a weekend BMQ and i am completely cool with that. My question is, and out of curiosity, is it possible for a Reservist to request and be put on a Reg/Full time BMQ course that would start sometime in the fall? I understand that i would have to talk to my Unit for something like this, but the person i need to speak with is on leave at the moment so I'm just a bit anxious to hear if anyone has ever done something like this or if it was even possible.

No. Reservists go on either weekends (such as yourself) or during the summer. They never go on Reg Force BMQ...if you wanted to go on one, join the Regs.

Another question i have may not be for this topic, but i don't want to make several threads here so i figure I'll ask here. At the moment my girlfriend is in the States, and after my BMQ if i am able to and have to the time I'd like to go down there and stay with her for a bit. She really wants to see me in uniform, so my question is, would i be able to wear my CADPAT Uniform while traveling in to the States?

No. You will not be allowed.

Recce By Death said:
They never go on Reg Force BMQ...

That being said, my BMQ in 1993 had a female Naval Reservist on it. These days, with the lack of space for RegF recruits, theres no room for reservists.
This past October 2008, I taught a portion of the Borden BMQ to all four platoons. On each of those platoons I was aware of 2-3 Air or Naval Reserve Recruits on the BMQ. As a clerk processing files from the CFRC, we receive files year round in the Ship's Office and if someone is available and willing, there is a possibility to be loaded onto a Fall, Winter or Spring BMQ.

To say that all PRes only get weekend or summer BMQ is not an accurate answer.
kratz said:
This past October 2008, I taught a portion of the Borden BMQ to all four platoons. On each of those platoons I was aware of 2-3 Air or Naval Reserve Recruits on the BMQ. As a clerk processing files from the CFRC, we receive files year round in the Ship's Office and if someone is available and willing, there is a possibility to be loaded onto a Fall, Winter or Spring BMQ.

To say that all PRes only get weekend or summer BMQ is not an accurate answer.

Must be rather rare then, I've never heard of it nor seen it happen.

I know a few Plt WOs in St Jean and having just got off the phone with one of them he claims the same for the past 3 years.

My DH is doing this week's intake tomorrow, in Borden I will ask how many are on this course.  ;) Out of 400 recruits that are all treated the same, if 12-20 are PRes, it is easy to lose sight that some are not Reg Force. To state that no PRes are on a Reg Force BMQ is not accurate though, rare as it may be.
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