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Another Recruiting Tale...


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So I mailed in my application package from Penticton to the recruiting center in Vancouver exactly 1 month 3 days ago. I applied for Infantry and Combat Engineer; after deciding I will have lots of time to pursue safer jobs when I am older. I turned 24 last month, and have been married for 3 years.

My application would be considered average I would guess, things I would say that stood out to me are;  I dropped out of highschool in grade 12 and was generally a **** disturber in highschool. I later went to college for welding and got 85% overall for the year study, which I hope shows I've changed.  Also, I am waiting until April 2010 to find out if I get a job!!

So I called in about 3 times, I left polite messages with detail explaining I was just checking on my application to make sure it was all there, etc. I got a call back today and was asked,

"Do you still want to process your application, even though you will be waiting ? "

" Yes sir! "

Was my response.


Was the recruiters.

So now that I know my application is making it paperlike way thru the recruiting process; I'm totally stoked! I have been waiting for about 2 1/2 months to get the application on the go, waiting for transcripts, etc.

I've been really focusing on my PT. Running 10km in usually 42min every 2ND day. Lots of push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Occasionally when I'm feeling tired or sore, I will switch the 10km run for some sprint training. Dashing about 150 meters, in sets.

Okay this is really long, and not very interesting, but I plan on updating this thread all the way until  I'm at my training!

SET said:
after deciding I will have lots of time to pursue safer jobs when I am older.

I think what I really meant by this was,

"I am no longer letting my families over concern for my safety keep me from doing what I have wanted to do for a long time "

As the main obstacle for me in this process so far has been bringing my choices out with my family. My wife had assumed I would be welding in the army. Who knows as things work, maybe thats what I will do!

I just had to clear that up with myself.

So, its been a long time. As things go when your heart is set on serving in the Infantry in Canada.  I am in no way on a high horse, I do not feel like I deserve to be given this job. Something like this is earned, and in this case it seems patience is the main factor.

I have , since my last post on this thread been calling my recruiting center once every 30 days ( roughly ) and very politely leaving a message to say that " I am still very interested and I understand the trades I choose are closed. Please inform me of any changes "

Basically nothing had changed with my file , until yesterday I was called while at work, on my cell phone.  I have set date to take my aptitude test! 

So this doesnt mean I am in, and it doesnt mean that I wont still be waiting another year. But it is a step forward, if I can see my file processed and all the needed steps completed. When those next spots for Infantry open up, I can only imgaine eventually I will be given my chance. So on thursday at 8am, I have my aptitude test which is at a location about 100 km away from me. I have scheduled the day off work, and will be driving there. Leaving at about 0500 so no matter what happens ( flat tire, road construction ) I will be early.

FINALLY. A step forward.

So anyone who is applying for a closed trade, if you read this. Know that I have been waiting too, and I havent let it anger me or dissapoint me. Its just how the cookie crumbles. When you get that call... the smile wont leave your face. For a long damn time.

I second that!! Good for you for sticking it out for a long time, and good luck on the rest of your journey.