The enemy wants me, as an American citizen, to becomed angered, upset, and emotional about this and to lash out at my government to pull our troops from the fight - to run with our tail between our legs and lick our wounds. Guess what? I refuse. I am putting this in context. This is propaganda to sway my emotions. The use of global media to air these videos is really a successful form of the enemy propaganda to enter American households therefore my initial reaction to this is to bar the United States media conglomerates from giving enemy propaganda the airtime they are getting. Am I really missing anything of importance? It is a theoretical question not to demean the victim or his family but in the grand scheme of things why is an innocent American getting beheaded by lunatics any different than the three inner city kids in Baltimore getting there heads chopped off by their own cousins? Now, that didn't get alot of air time. heck, only a ticker of text along the bottom of the screen. Better yet, you want to talk about context, how about 40,000 innocent Americans dying from motor vehicle accidents last year alone. Or 90,000 dying from doctor's misdiagnosis and negligence. These are just some examples. So, why does one American get sensationalized? The media have played into the hands of the enemy, and the media is not accountable, they don't take responsibilty for their actions. If I was in change I would issue a directive to not air this kind of crap. Downplay it. Do not raise it to the level that the enemy wants it to be. Does being exposed to this suppress my civil liberties? Is this a question of freedom of the press, of speech to air these atrocities? These are tough times and tough measures need to be enacted. Propaganda is just one front of this war.