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Am I entitled to a single room?


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I am a Reserve Sgt who is currently on a Class C attached posting over 180 days to gagetown.  I have been put into a-48 where I am use to staying.... but this time I have a roommate. The rooms are not designed for two people and although I do understand that gagetown has a lack of bedspace..... shouldn't someone who is attached posted have priority over someone on TD... as several of my buddies all have there own room.  My underlying question is a single room a privilege that can be taken away... and if not is there any documentation that could help.

From what MudMan tells me it would be a priviledge as opposed to an entitlement if there isn't space available...but when he gets up I will ask him to give you his thoughts and I am sure he will be able to provide a link with information

I know that this will do little to ease your suffering (as it were), but last summer we had guys working here in Gagetown (instructing on PRes courses) who didn't get a room anywhere on base at all, and had to live in a section of modular tentage out in Blue Mountain (Reg Force Sgts from Edmonton, Petawawa, Valcartier and ERE postings, plus Res Sgt's and WO's from the area, mind you, who had the luxury of going home on weekends, but no such joy for a guy from out West). This year, they have improved their lot by letting them stay in PC44 in Petersville, where they are in dormitory style rooms, with 2 washers and dryers per wing.

I think the "entitlement" issue goes out the window when there aren't enough rooms to go round, so you may well consider yourself lucky. And as for your buddies that have their own room (to themselves), that will likely change once more people start coming on board. Quoting CFAO's and QR&O's likely won't do much, as once the inn is full, you start to live in the barn with the animals. Granted, a fella on TD (for a short period of time) likely wouldn't have a problem with doubling up in a room, if that allows someone who is on long term employment a little more comfort (their own room), but if that's what Accomodations doles out (probably more out of habit than by policy), that's what seems to occur.


P.S I would suggest a walk down to Accomodations and talk to the folks there. They would likely respond better to an explanation of the situation than to being directed by a policy. Face it: they only see the paperwork, not the face, so it becomes an impersonal task. From my (limited) experience with them, a kind word (or attitude) would go a lot further than huffing and puffing with righteous indignation (most of them are retired military pers who likely lived through the lean years, and doubling up in a room in A48 would likely not elicit a lot of sympathy from them, especially if you start quoting policy). Just a thought....

QR&O 28.20 outlines what you're entitled to. Para 1b states that you can be allotted an SQ that's lower than your entitlement if no SQ is avail according to your entitlement. Also, pay attention to the "Combination" part of the chart, you're a Sgt, therefore entitled to type III accommodations, however you can be allotted shared accommodations with another type III. That's the way the cookie crumbles, you just lucked out this time.
Also, if you read 1(a) it says "shall normally be allotted", vice "shall always".  Sucks, yup.  I was in Gagetown, quartered in the old Armour School (H20) living 4 to a room with Sgt's.  The rest of the floor was Jnr NCOs.  I did shortly thereafter get moved to the A lines, but only after the Sgt-Major I was working for, a Reg Frce Armd type, found out where I was living and made a phone call.

And ya, I agree, the TD Class B guys should be going 2 to a room.  After all, you being +180 days, are paying for R & Q, those TD Class B bums (which I have been one of many times) are on free R & Q.  That is another point that might work in your favour, as you ARE paying for R & Q. 

I think the advice Allan gave is your best bet (having spent lots of time in Gagetown myself on short and long term callouts), and I would bring up the "I am paying for R & Q" angle.  Mention it to the WO/MWO net where ever you are working.  Most times, it not what you (policy) know but who you (or they) know (the ex-service Commissionaire's on the Base).   ;D

Remember to smile, and say thanks!   ;D
that's your big bitch? You have to share a room for a while? Oh. My. God. I hope your unit will have a stress debriefer on stand-by when you return.  ::)
Gagetown has some serious problems this time of year with accomodations.  And BTW, the people in the accomodations cell, though nice and polite (especially when you are the same), aren't very flexible right now - mainly because they can't be.  I was running an instructor course for 2 weeks in May, and my students from out of town didn't even have a desk or chair in their shared room - something they actually required to do their homework and prepare their lectures.  It took alot of arguing from here and Ottawa before they would move in 2 desks and chairs for the 4 people in the room.

It could be worse - you could be living in the tent city with the RETS guys, the rain and dust, the choppers and the mosquitoes.  Oh yeah, and the black bears.


medicineman said:
It took alot of arguing from here and Ottawa before they would move in 2 desks and chairs for the 4 people in the room.

They are putting 4 people in those rooms in A48??  Jesus, how?  You would have to go out in the hall to turn around.  And the heat in the top floor rooms is enough to cook eggs in the summer.

Only point I see with this guy is he is paying for his R & Q, and when we are on Class B -180 days, we get it free in the Reserves.  I know the Reg Frce "live in" or IR guys in the shack right by the Mess are in those nice big double rooms, and I bet they aren't sharing those.  Because they are paying for them.  Thats the difference.

I thought the RETS guys had hard shacks up there by the old Range Control gate for the NCO/instructors?

If I was paying, I would not like it.  If I was TD Class B, well, ya get what ya pay for.  ;)
Mud Man - my apologies - they weren't in A-48.  I was just making a point about how hard it is to get rooms here.


Seems like folks should be happy they are actually IN the A-lines, vice PV then.
Mud Recce Man said:
They are putting 4 people in those rooms in A48??  Jesus, how?  You would have to go out in the hall to turn around.  And the heat in the top floor rooms is enough to cook eggs in the summer.

Only point I see with this guy is he is paying for his R & Q, and when we are on Class B -180 days, we get it free in the Reserves.  I know the Reg Frce "live in" or IR guys in the shack right by the Mess are in those nice big double rooms, and I bet they aren't sharing those.  Because they are paying for them.  Thats the difference.

I thought the RETS guys had hard shacks up there by the old Range Control gate for the NCO/instructors?

If I was paying, I would not like it.  If I was TD Class B, well, ya get what ya pay for.  ;)

I was posted from Gagetown last summer....the BComd ordered the live-ins out 3 years ago so there are not many of them any more...only for extraordinary circumstances. They invited those who wanted accommodation to take a Q and share with others....There were a lot of pretty angry live-ins...especially in the A lines.
They are constructing a new accommodations block right across from the Chapel...I saw it when I was there 3 weeks ago but it won't be ready till next year. They have had problems with accommodations there in the summer for a long time.
Entitled is one of those words that we should rid ourselves of in the military lexicon....with the exception of the entitlement to our next pay cheque or course.
The Base Hospital is weeping now - since the new shacks are being built within crawling distance of the MIR.

ahh, thats what that building was.  I saw the beginning of that or something in February when I was there.
It could definatly be worse. Crammed into the modular tentage with the students (and alot of staff) for the summer...crammed into the shacks they had to rip the built-in lockers and desks out of to accomodate the 8 people per room there (talk to the CAP folks)...

When you want to push an extra 5000 students through the training system in Gagetown without appropriate resources to accomodate them during this summer....well things like accomodations become a significant issue. Count yourself among the lucky...

And FWIW regarding the paying or non-paying for accomodations....those IR guys in the nice big single rooms are not paying for them...or their rations, so because someone is or isn't paying for accomodations is a rather moot argument for bumping up on the priority list for a single room.
I suspect it will only get worse, when all the folks from the TF stand up in the Fall. Word on the street is they'll be housed in Argonaut, but that they were trying to house folks up on the base.

Gagetown seems to have a chronic accn problem- symptom of trying to stuff 10lbs of potatoes into a 5lb bag.  For a course a few years ago we were 4 Capts to a room, and without hot water for the duration (that part wasn't by plan- it just took a long time to fix a breakdown).

The problem just ain't in Gagetown... Borden is the same. I just came from there. Something has to be done... but what?