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Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

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I know that this job has tough Mental and Physical Requirements but i was wondering if there is any requirements in regards to Allergies? I have a few but i would really like to join the army. Are my Allergies gonna stop me from doing that?
What kind of alergies?

If your allergic to BDU‘s and people, I think you should look elsewhere...but if your alergic to cats or weeds or something I don‘t think tyhat should be a problem.

I‘m allergic to cats and pennicillin.
I have minor hay fever, however as long as I take one of those grape flavoured things at pharmasave I‘m good. Would that affect my joining in any way shape or form?
I don‘t think you would be the first person to join with a minor allergy, so I don‘t think it would be a problem.
When I was younger I was severly allergic to penicillin. There was no question on the application about it, so they obviously don‘t know yet. Is that going to be a problem when I have my medical test and it comes up? Should I see the family doctor and get him to test me to see if I am still allergic to it?

Once when I was in the hospital as a child they gave me penicillin and I was hospitalized for two weeks with some sever swelling. But that was almost 13 years ago...
Allergies are a fact of life. Don‘t hide them. If you have a Medic Alert bracelet or card, that is not unusual. It is your life you are dealing with and by hiding something like that you could land up killing yourself in a medical emergncy.

I don‘t have a bracelet or card and I have never had penicillin for 11 years so I don‘t even know if it‘s still an issue. I guess I will make an appointment to get tested.
RJG: I have a severe (anaphalactic) allergy to penicillin as well, and I was still able to join any trade. It shouldn‘t limit you at all. However, they will recommend you get a Medic Alert bracelet. I haven‘t had penicillin since I was 8, but the chance of having it again and waiting for my heart to stop just isn‘t worth it. Invest the $20 in a bracelet!
Is it possible to get Medic Alert bracelets in copper....kill two birds with one stone, so to speak?
I have a friend that really wants to get into infantry reserve force.  Everything was going well in the application process until they found out she was seriously allergic to bees and was rejected.  I was wondering if there was anyway to get around this or any loopholes she could pass through.  Would switching trades help?
If anyone is seriously allergic to bees or any kind of allergies where one needs to carry a needle with them at all times, I doubt can get in.  I do not think there is a loop hole around this one. :-\
I was stung on the field portion of my basic, as were many others. Some multiple times at once. When you're walking through the bush, it's rather easy to stumble upon a bee's nest. Is it something she really wants to risk if she's severely allergic?
How about shellfish?? Namely shrimp, lobster and crab. I can eat everything else.
Don't worry I don't think we have any seafood IMPs yet. Those should be no problem since I had a guy on my QL3 who was allergic to chicken.
In regards to the bee sting, it's sort of inherent why they won't allow entrance...  Let's say you're on manouvers and you won't have access to an aide station or any way of getting more needles...  You get stung twice, you're dead.  CF won't risk that.  Also, don't you think trying to find a "loophole" sort of defeats the whole integrity part of the Canadian Forces?  I don't want to serve next to someone who lied to get in.  Know what I mean?  :)

As for food, I'd imagine that unless it's a highly reactive allergy (peanuts, anyone?) they probably won't mind.  Everyone's physiological systems have different tolerance levels for various substances.  Check the recruiting centre in your area for more info...

Mountain_marc said:
How about Penicillin?

Don't worry about Penicillin.  I'm allergic and I got in.

However, I was rejected the first time because of a "suspected" mild allergy to walnuts which apparently I'm not allergic to in the firt place.  It's weird how the CF works.
A lot of us on our BMQ and SQ this past summer were stung, and I can see the reasons for your friend being rejected. Although it is unfortunate, your friend would be a potential casualty at all times, and since it is a serious allergy, the time to extract your friend and have them treated would be very minimal.
MikeM said:
A lot of us on our BMQ and SQ this past summer were stung, and I can see the reasons for your friend being rejected.

That we did.  I took one in the neck while in a fire orders class.  Any severe allergy is too risky in the feild.
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