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Age Limits to Join

  • Thread starter Thread starter max_francis
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according to CF stats, the current average age for recruits is 24, which happens to be my age.  I'm joining an infantry regiment as one of a group of 15 or so....mostly age 17-18, but a couple in mid-20's too.  don't worry about it.
During my Basic Trg in '96, we had a gentlemen (air force) who I beleive was 45. Just last year there was a lady (army sig op)who was poted here straight off of her 3's and she was 42.
23 is a great age to be going into any trade in the military. There are people a lot older than you than are applying and getting in, so don't worry.
I am 30, with a pretty good civvy job. Only thing I am missing is a little bit of excitment and a challange. I am in the initial stages, just picked up my Application Package today in kingston. Applying to the Airforce for AVN Tech. Anyhow, I asked a question similar to the recruiter today and last month he had a 48 year old female walk in the door looking for information on joining as a dentasl assistant. Now that the mandatory retirement age is 60, someone who is 48 can still put in 12 years service. Me, I am hoping to stay in as long a possible, maybe get 30 years outta the deal. We'll see though.
you're only as old as you let yourself be. There was a 46 year old on my SQ course, and he was leaps and bounds ahead of alot of the other guys.Another woman was in her late 40s too, I never met her though, she was in a different platoon.
hey guys, i am 16 and just joined the reserves and am gonna be starting my bmq in the fall. Some peple say 16 is to young to be in the forces but i dissagree. i am in good shape and have lots of drive in me i aint no quiter. what do u guys think about this?
I say good on ya for having the gumption to join at such a young age.

Most 16 year olds seem to be too busy chasing tail and skipping class (like I was at 16).

The only issue I see w/ 16 yr old soldiers is a petential maturity issue, but your section commanders, and especially your units corporals/jacks will sort out any issues you may have when you get back to your unit.

Oh yeah, you'll have pleanty of time to chase tail on weekend leave with the rest of your section buddies.

Good luck

I joined when I was 16. As long as you don't act like an immature little prick then it's all good. Drive the body and give it your all, and you'll do just fine.
Wish I could have joined when I was 16, might have kept me out of trouble. Good luck and Drive the Body.
There's a 16 year old on my basic infantry course with me right now- he'll be completely qualified infantry (reserves) before he hits 17. A bit slack in garisson, but probably the most motivated of us in the field- and he's so madly in love with the C9 it's not funny. It damn near takes a weapon with live rounds to pry his baby away from him, LOL.

I think that if you have the motivation, and at least a certain level of physical fitness (to start with), you'll do just fine.
yah man, im 17 just finished BMQ and 2 weeks of SQ left.
alot of guys here are 16 and 17 and its all good.

I got tagged with C9 gunner for my DP1 Inf course. I hate the bloody thing.

Man up  ;)
Am I nuts? I loved the C9
It's a good weapon, but it sucks after 3k. heh

But it sure as hell is fun to have 2 full boxes of blanks and being on your final platoon attack and you're Section Cmdr tells you to expel all ammo. WEEEEEE 400 rounds in about 4 mins.
This may not be the most popular response, but I think 16 is too young to join the CF.  Most of the 16 year olds that I have met are far too immature.  I know at 16 I was pretty immature.  Of course at the time I figured I knew everything and was fully grown up as well.  ;)  Just ask some of the instructors out in Chillliwack this summer who have been tearing out their hair and claim it's a cross between cadets and babysitting.
I was quite close to getting into NavRes, but I decided not to at the last minute...I like my summers, and I've worked really hard (And spent lots of money) to be a lifeguard, and I'd like to do that while in high school...As much as I'd like to be in the forces right now, I don't think I'll do it until the end of high school.  Kudos to you for doing it though...One day I will though.
Yup, same deal here...if I can talk my parents in to it I think I'll join the reserves next summer instead of waiting another year...I just want to get all the information I can though, and be absolutely 100% sure of what I'm getting myself in to, but whether I join tomorrow or in a couple years makes no difference to me, just as long as I get there.  I can be pretty goofy when I'm with a group of friends, but if I were on the reserve you can bet there'd be zero dickin' around by me...you're there to learn how to serve your country, no room for horseplay (which is why I understand why some may be skeptical as to letting 16 and 17 year olds join), it's a privilege, not a right and it should be treated as such.

Speaking of joining early...would I be able to join in the middle of my grade 11 year, understanding fully of what I'm getting myself in to?
Maybe you should think about doing the army co-op program and earn some credits for high school while doing your BMQ/SQ. I wanted to do that but I was told they took it out. But then the year I graduate from high school they say that its back in. I also saw some younger kids doing their CFAT at the local armouries and I was talking to them and they said they were doing co-op reserve, so I guess it has to be back.

So take a trip down to your guidence office and see if they can give you some more detailed info on it. Or better yet, get to a CFRC!