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A 36 years youngwoman and going for it

Wow! Good luck to yah! I'm always interested in stories like this. Some people think its too late! Congrats to you! A guy was 41 on my basic, turned out to be one of the strongest males there (physically and mentally) don't give up, with your decision to even apply your already half way to an amazing and rewarding life! I wish the best of luck to ya, and don't worry too much about phisical fitness the CF wil do whatever they can to help u reach those goals... You'll do fine!
Thank you so much! I appreciate the support!

I can FINALLY  do a few real push-ups!  It took 3 months of woman's push-ups everyday and weight training but I can finally hold and lower and lift my full body weight! (woman have a different center of gravity and an extra 20 pounds strapped to our chests and an extra 60 pounds around our  hips, that's why push-up are so much harder for woman)

I did my eye exam yesterday (aircrew stuff)  and sent the forms in, perfect vision. Then today I got a call to come in a week earlier for the 2nd part of my health exam and to do the interview(the 19th now) .  wow, its moving along so fast!  whoo hoo.  The optometrist put this eye stuff in that makes your pupils huge.  Any lights hurt for hours and now I know what people feel like that need glasses.  I was blind and blurry for 5 hours after the exam and got the worst headache.  Bring your dark sunglasses to your eye exam!

I have to fast for 10 hours before I go for my blood work and heart exam at the civy doc tomorrow.

I am worrying over what to do with my stuff and cats if I get into bmq this spring/summer. I hope i have time to either give a months notice and pack up my apartment or find a roommate for the 5 months I will be gone.  Sigh. I just moved into a new place a few weeks ago and will probably have to pack up  everything I haven't even unpacked yet  and put everything into storage.  LOL at least i get a chance to get rid of lots of the clutter and really pare down my belongings so I can be a nomad army girl.
WonderGirl said:
Thank you so much! I appreciate the support!

I can FINALLY  do a few real push-ups!  It took 3 months of woman's push-ups everyday and weight training but I can finally hold and lower and lift my full body weight! (woman have a different center of gravity and an extra 20 pounds strapped to our chests and an extra 60 pounds around our  hips, that's why push-up are so much harder for woman)


Good job on the push ups keep working at it.

For some of the real reasons women have trouble with push-ups read this http://mandingueira.com/2008/01/28/myth-busters-women-and-upper-body-strength/
I could post geeky physiological research papers but this article sums up most if not all the reasons and refutes some of the common myths.  I go to an great gym that really fosters development and I get a chance to see women of all shapes and sizes do pull-ups, push-ups, rope climbs, and muscle-ups when they swear that they can't because they are women.  The look on their faces when they rock something for the first time is pretty damm cool.

That's great, thanks MJP  I've stepped up my free weights and noticed a huge difference.  I am getting muscles!  Strong.  And the great thing is that muscles burns fat even when I'm relaxing.  *pulls bikini  out of storage* lol
best of luck to you.. im joining at 30
finally  going for it.. i tryed when iwas 20 but passed all the test except one.. and it was those 2 missing pushup  that killed my chance that year....after 10 years of thinking about it and realising  i really hate my job im gonna try again this year
I joined last year at 50. I was worried about going to BMQ and being fit enough, was not wanting to be "the old fart" lagging behind, lol. Loads of people thought I was nuts but I was determined to join, put in my best effort and make the best of it. I was always in decent shape and for a guy my age, had to achieve just slightly less that the young guys, as far as the Express Test goes. I needed to practice running bigtime prior to going and googled the "beep test" to practice with. Best decision. I doubled the required number of push ups and sit ups, not a difficult feat once I put my mind to it. You are tested week one, then again in week 8. I exempted both so skip a year to be tested again. I'm not bragging but merely saying that if I can do it, anybody can. I've since gone to Esquimalt, done my QL3 and NETP and am posted to a ship in Halifax, where I've lived for 20 years. It's been a really busy 16 months for this guy. So far, so good!!!
Thank you for posting this... i am a 29 year old woman and i am going to be going to RMC this fall. I think that it's going to be challenging and exciting at the same time... i just keep telling myself that my life experience and maturity are going to benefit me and well out way whatever physical short comings i may have.  Congrats to you  :salute:
ringknocker82 said:
WonderGirl, if you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, I really recommend the app Hundred Pushups. Great app and really helps. Good luck!

I wholeheartedly agree.  They also make a sit-up app too, and for Android phones too.     
Knowing that mature people are joining makes me comfortable; gaining extra motivation. :salute:
36?  i am even older and just handed in my application.  had a career which i loved before.  now i want to do something different.  something in which i can do more.  and i'm doing my best to whip my not-so-young body into shape.  i've got the guts to tell my hubby and one sibling.  no one else knows.  i tell myself there's no point getting my parents and other siblings all upset and stressed, until i get my offer.  i keep it to a "need to know" basis also because i do not want to get discouraged or be discouraged to go all the way and do my best. 

good luck to you!
Check out the 56-year-old recruit doing the Warrior Challenge in this report: http://www.youtube.com/user/CanadianArmyNews#p/search/0/-nI9RBziGtk . Age is just a number.

I'm thinking about joining at 30 (I'll be 31 when I get through the application procedure). It's uplifting to hear stories about others who are over 30 joining. I'm nervous as all hell though. I started back to the gym last month and I have so much work to do! Sit-ups won't be a problem, push-ups I'll be able to handle as well, I can run for 5 km but its not a quick 5 k, takes me about 33 minutes! And forget chin-ups :) But I'm working on it all. I'll also have to get my eyes fixed as well. They're awful, I joined in 1999 (VR'd in 2000, 9 months after completing BOTC1) and I just barely made it as a V4....I think the medic. was being nice to me...I'm hoping to have the surgery well before I apply to give me a better chance.

Thanks for all the 'over 30" stories! Very helpful.
I joined at 42, finished BMQ(L) this summer at 43, and was awarded Top Candidate, go figure. 

Hurray for the old folks!  40 is the new 20.
Encouraging thread, thanks for sharing! I'm going through the process as well - at 42.  CFAT done, now waiting on the medical and interview appointments to be set up.  I've always been active but my biggest challenge is, and will be jogging 5k+...  (practice, practice, practice!)
Watch your joints and back. You don't heal like a young pup anymore. Vitamins and such helps you keep up. www.lef.org are my favourites.
P.S. Don't forget the extra protein. A gram per day per pound if you are really working it hard.
Nemo888 said:
Watch your joints and back. You don't heal like a young pup anymore. Vitamins and such helps you keep up. www.lef.org are my favourites.
P.S. Don't forget the extra protein. A gram per day per pound if you are really working it hard.

Excellent points. I am a 36 year-old woman who have been training for months for my upcoming BMOQ in October. I can now run well over 5 km, but my knees are not crazy about it at all.

So..I began taking supplements, and it seems to really work for me. With medical counseling, I began taking glucosamine + MSM + Omega (fish oil) on a daily basis. I also have a physiotherapy home program that aims to stretch and strengthen my knee joints. For the Appstore users, there is this great little app called Physiotherapy Advisor Exercices. It's not free, but for me, it was worth every penny. The best is to start progressively and to be consistent.

So yes, supplements can be very helpful. If you are taking any other type of medication (over the counter or not), best is to make sure your supplements will not interract negatively with your medication. Your doctor/pharmacist will be able to help you. My 2 cents.

Happy training !

Nemo888 said:
Watch your joints and back. You don't heal like a young pup anymore.
Yes,  thank you for the input!  I can safely admit I don't *bounce back*  like I used to! (hell, I don't BOUNCE like I used to... period!)  ;D  I've been horseback riding more aggressively in an attempt to strengthen my core as well as help build my cardio while trying to keep things low impact.  I've started jogging *pieces* during my daily walks - slow and steady... and I've been pleasantly surprised I haven't been gasping for breath!  In a few weeks, pushups have gone from struggling to get the 10th one - to being able to fire off 20 and not think twice about it and sit ups aren't too much of an issue for me.  I'll definitely look into the vitamins and proteins as I am trying to trim down as well, any extra weight isn't my friend when trying to keep my joints in order...
Good luck to everyone else who has posted in the thread.

Myself, I'm 34 this past summer and started the plunge.  Right now I'm a supply teacher/security guard.  I've gotten really tired with the lack of movement in teaching jobs in Ontario, and I've always had an interest in the military.  I feel like I'm spinning my wheels, and I really want to be challenged.  I'm looking to do the DEO route, preferably infantry, for the aforementioned challenge. 

I was inspired to finally put the application in after talking to a young private during census enumeration.  He told me that there were many men and women in the 40s and up that were in the same basic class as him.  For awhile, I felt like I might be too old, but that conversation really lifted me and got the fire going again.

I've been working out and researching about the professions I have already on my application.  The working out has flagged a little because of my schedule, but I'll be back at it this week.

At this point, I am stalled as I probably put in the application a little late in the year, and there was a delay with some financial aspects I needed to clarify with the recruiters.  But I spoke to the captain today from my RC and he strongly encouraged me to start contacting them after the new year, and to really step up contact by March.

To those of you in the process, the road is long, but you got to have some faith and persevere.  I'm sure if we all stick it out, we will be rewarded for our patience and determination!

All the best!
Hey Wondergirl,

I haven't seen any postings from you in quite some time!  Does this mean you got in?  I'm hopeful for you!

It took me a long time - I applied in the end of January 2011, and I will be swearing in January 19, 2012!  But I finally made it, and I'm stoked about it - can't wait to get this show on the road!

Best of luck to you all, keep training (I can't even articulate how much I hate push ups, can't even begin!  LOL) and keep on keepin' on.    :salute: