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2010 Airshow Season Thread

Just wanted to give a big thanks to 435 Squadron for not one but two fly-by's over Winnipeg Stadium last night for the Bomber game! I was in the upper deck and I got a nice up and close look at the Herc!
Tango18A said:
So now your're saying the Aurora is the short bus version of the Electra> >:D

Simmer down T18A!

The length of the Electra is 104 ft 6 in
While the Aurora comes in at 116 ft 10 in, which would make the herc, the short bus.
Ahh, but this quipe was based on CDN Aviators data that the Aurora was 7 feet shorter forward of the wing. And are you counting the MAD boom, which is not on all Aurora/Orion airframes.
Tango18A said:
the Aurora was 7 feet shorter forward of the wing. And are you counting the MAD boom, which is not on all Aurora/Orion airframes.

Shorter forward of the wing - the MAD boom is aft of the wing.  All CF Aurora's/Arcturus have the MAD boom - just not all have the required sensors inside.
Tango18A said:
Ahh, but this quipe was based on CDN Aviators data that the Aurora was 7 feet shorter forward of the wing.

What i said is accurate.

And are you counting the MAD boom, which is not on all Aurora/Orion airframes.

The MAD boom is present on all Aurora and and Arcturus aircraft. All P-3 aircraft, regardless of model were built with the MAD boom present.
Vintage Wings, in Gatineau, will be hosting an Airshow 4 July, gates open at 10.
The open house to see this magnificent collection is worth the trip alone

Lots of photos of airplanes at the 2009 Edwards AFB Open House.

Getting all packed and focused on my western swing - heading to Abbotsford in a month!

Here are the Hornets that did the flyby for the Molson Indy Toronto:



And thanks to the folks at 8 Wing who gave me a bit of a show earlier this week...




Farnborough International Airshow 2010  video


Wish I was there. :)
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in putting on the Abbotsford Airshow. I was lucky enough to attend and as a DEO Pilot applicant about to start basic training (September 27th), seeing some of our Air Force's capabilities got me even more excited to start my new career!

Also, a special thanks to the Pilots at the static displays that took the time to talk to me and pass on some words of wisdom. I think I talked to four, each of which was extremely professional, helpful and informative.

I know that sounded kind of suck holey.... definitely not my intent, I'm just very excited right now and wanted to pass on a sincere thank you.

Just a quick question out there for all those who may have attended the airshows as part of a static display. I was wondering if anyone had a funny story. Or maybe a moment where you turned someones light on in respect to the forces and their perceptions. 
Some of the funny things that happened to me.
People walking on the C-17 asking if theplane was still in service.
Direct quote. "I noticed the fire extinguishers were yellow. Do they glow in the dark?"
Has this plane been to Afghanistan " yes" Have you been to Afghanistan "yes" What kind of cargo to you take is it mostly humanitarian supplies?"  Good question really good question. I explained the nature of the cargo even explained what happens during a repat. Lots of people are oblivious to these things.(Abbotsford Airshow)
A Birkenstock wearer told me how the money for this plane could be better used for the homeless in Vancouver. Then I showed him how we can convert the C-17 into a flying hospital in 20 minutes and explained its use in Haiti. He changed his mind.

all in all it is the Canadian Taxpayer who owns the jets and it was great to show then "Their" airplane and it was great to hear ,through interpreters in some cases, Canadians of all walk of life whether they were born here or just new Canadians say they were glad we had the capabilities that we do now and were proud to have us serve.
Info ref Airshow at Toronto CIAS:

Our friends from the United States Air Force
are sending up their F-16 Viper East Demo Team.
Always a crowd pleaser, this awesome fighter jet
will twist, turn and rock some serious Gs for you
Insider fans at the air show waterfront this year.

Check out this wicked HD in-cockpit video of Captain
Ryan "Rider" Corrigan during an actual demonstration:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT61t9lSdy4 (HD Video Link)

(Click on the link above and fast forward to the
03:55-minute mark ... That's when things really
get wild! Pay particular attention to the tremendous
amount of physical endurance required to crank and
bank the airplane across the sky.)

If you're interested in more information on the
Viper East Demonstration Team, please follow the
link below:

http://www.shaw.af.mil/units/vipereast/index.asp (Demo Team Link)
WingsofFury said:
Most interesting question I heard all weekend was while standing in front of a Sikorsky MH-53 Helo and an adult suggested that the refuelling probe was a laser.

More people believe me when I say that the pointy things sticking out of the nose of the Griffon are lasers than that they are part of the airspeed indication system. The explanation of pitot and static pressures is apparently presumed to be a deception/cover story.
Loachman said:
The explanation of pitot and static pressures is apparently presumed to be a deception/cover story.

It's all mumbo-jumbo tech nonsense.  LASER is a much cooler concept that all the population understands.
2010 Canadian International Air Show
Saturday Show - Canadian Forces Day

CF-18 Hornet 12:30
Aurora 12:38
Navy Demo 12:55
Harvard Aero Team 13:40
Air Cadets 13:55
Mike Wiskus - Lucas Oil 14:00
B-25 14:13
F-16 Viper 14:35
Heritage (Tutor/Corsair)14:50
Corsair 14:58
C-130J 15:08
Rob Holland 15:15
Snowbirds 15:43

* Schedule Subject to Change without Notice!

Enjoy the Show
Unfortunately the weather in Toronto today is not going to be particularly conducive to an airshow!  70% POP and wind 50 km/h gusting to 70.  I'm sure they have a show designed for the conditions, but only true diehards will be out watching it.

We're going to take our chances and go tomorrow - the forecast is a bit better.  Can't go Monday, we have tickets to the Labour Day Classic in Hamilton.  Oskie Wee Wee!