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2010 Airshow Season Thread

Pat in Halifax said:
K225 : Those are beautiful pictures of the FG-1 done in Hampton Gray's markings. I was going to ask how you got them as Vintage Wing's own website doesn't even have any - then I read your profile. You have the dream job/hobby of atleast one reader here!!

I think K225 might be the guy that knows my brother-in-law, Joe, who also volunteers at Vintage Wings.

All the pics are great!  :nod:
Quote from link:
Highlights from the Base Borden Armed Forces Day and Air Show. Celebrating the Navy Centennial.


A well done video.  Worth watching.  Enjoy.
Pat in Halifax said:
K225 : Those are beautiful pictures of the FG-1 done in Hampton Gray's markings. I was going to ask how you got them as Vintage Wing's own website doesn't even have any - then I read your profile. You have the dream job/hobby of atleast one reader here!!
They still haven't updated the site with new pictures in the Hampton Gray scheme yet not sure why. I'll have to put the bug in Dave O'Malley's ear. You're right about a dream job where else can you sit on a deck having lunch and a different airshow act each day. Yesterday it was watching John in the Corsair with Woody in the Sabre practicing their heritage flight formation. The energy level is climbing as we anticpate the first flight of the Lysander hopefully Friday.
Heyhaven't seen Joe around lately is he back working on his truck? He was last working on the Hawk 1 Orenda 14 waiting for parts to finish it up. There is no better feeling than being in the hangar each morning with that magnificent collection around you thanks to Mike Potter.


Here's some formation shots from the Waterloo show yesterday...show runs all weekend and tomorrow is calling for mile high skies.





No photo of the 400 Squadron Griffon?

We couldn't find an available Flight Engineer and had to cancel. Shazbat.

Excellent photos as usual.
Loachman - shiza!  I'll be back there tomorrow (Sunday), but it just won't be the same without a Griff...I was hoping it would turn into a 2 ship with you and the Sea King - would make my day!

Thanks for the kudos everyone.
Great Photos guys, I was test driving a car today and the salesman and I kept getting distracted and kept pulling off the road to watch the Snowbirds in Guelph today.  Made my day.  Those tutor pilots get my full 220% respect.
What a long day...lol  But in the end, a great day. :)

Here's a couple of different ones...






Great shots!!

Love the Hawk and the Snowbirds close-up in particular!!  :nod:
Thanks Moe, glad you like em.  :)

Here's another frew from this weekend.  Next stop for me will be the Vintage Wings of Canada Open House on July 4 featuring the Snowbirds and the Vintage Wings collection...should rock!





WingsofFury said:
Thanks Moe, glad you like em.  :)

Here's another frew from this weekend.  Next stop for me will be the Vintage Wings of Canada Open House on July 4 featuring the Snowbirds and the Vintage Wings collection...should rock!

Perhaps you'll meet my brother-in-law.  I'll ask him on Thursday if he's going to be there.  Sounds like something he wouldn't miss, having been the Ground Crew Chief for the Snowbirds at one time.  :nod:
Don't forget his time with Hawk 1 last year, he looks marvelous in white!
Once again great air show pics . I really miss the annual one that they used to have at Trenton I know they probably can't do it now cause of how busy the base is but they where really good ones when they had them .
Thanks Karl, glad you like em.  :nod:

I miss Trenton too, but it's still great for some interesting arrivals like the one noted below.  :)


                Yup that is most definitely a good  shot of an AWAC . I am lucky that my house is close to the base I see all sorts of different craft fly over my house every day I still get a kick out of the C-17 flying over been tempted to get a shot of them with my camera they look like there flying pretty low .
They are a tonne of fun, aren't they? :)  I still love the smokey approach of a Herc or Aurora as it comes in, props spinning like there's no tomorrow!!  I could sit out there and watch all day...ahhh...... :nod:  The one below is from the same day I got the AWACS...:)

WingsofFury said:
They are a tonne of fun, aren't they? :)  I still love the smokey approach of a Herc or Aurora as it comes in, props spinning like there's no tomorrow!!  I could sit out there and watch all day...ahhh...... :nod:  The one below is from the same day I got the AWACS...:)

Everytime I drive from Guelph to Ottawa I (despite my best efforts) get a little distracted looking into the sky. I just love when you see a herc overhead with little men jumping out the back.  I really hope one day to do my para course. When I was 15 got a ride in a herc from Trenton to Bagotville, most fun I've ever had in a flight. I was grinning like an idiot.  ;D