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17 and 18 year old joing debate?

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Hey guys,
I did a search and i did not get anything. last night i was talking to my girl friend about joining this upcoming april when infantry opens up again or when it does.
we were talking about how i wanted to do when i turned 17 years old but never did for couple of reason. I knew one i could not prob could not make the right decisions. When i was 17 i was too busy getting my self into trouble heehee. harmless fun but still, id rather chase girls, go get drunk and not even think about school. I know there are some that could probly do well. But just a thought.
Now i am 20 years old, grew up and now living my own life. I know i could make those right decisions which now im going to join as I know i would be better to the team and if ever in combat i am more mature. The u.s army the min age is 19 I think which i think is a better age for this type of job. Curious of what everyone thinks about this?

Where have you been?  Have you read any of the topics on Recruiting in reference to the AGE criteria to join the CF....... or even gone to the CFRC office or website?  Have you read any of the posts on "Child Soldiers" and the Laws about them?


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