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  1. Travis

    sq - new kit?

    weekends off are decided by the course staff n how good ur course is doin
  2. Travis

    Which profession gets an easier posting?

    Im just wondering which profession out of the Medic's or the Infantry is it easier to find a position over seas with?  :cdn:
  3. Travis

    Should Canada make a Game ala America's Army?

    The thing about recruiters in school is people are intimidated by them.. honestly.  Not to mention the literal abuse that could come from school mates who know nothing about the Canadian military and the great things its done.  Although I myself was recruited at a school it wasnt untill I went...
  4. Travis

    Should Canada make a Game ala America's Army?

    I would say a majority of these people are the kind of people for the forces.  Gaming systems are becoming as frequent in the living room as DVD players.  So imagine that fact in 4-5 years the living room would become the best and easiest place to reach a person on information about the forces.
  5. Travis

    Should Canada make a Game ala America's Army?

    There may be more history books than ever but with that said, the number of people i know around my age who will one day say " I think ill go but a history book " is extremmeely low.  I see how hollywood does only American history movies and the such but all we really need is one Great  movie...
  6. Travis

    Should Canada make a Game ala America's Army?

    As a seventeen year old from my point of view I would say Canada's recruiting process is lacking appeal to really, my generation.  Making a game likel AA probably wouldnt have much appeal to many subscribers unless it promised to be amazing so itd probably be smarter to just join with AA online...
  7. Travis


    can anyone help me with my littllee problem.  I frequently get ragged on by people for being in the canadian army....  the same people which say it would be better if we joined america.  Can you give me some good points to hit them with when this topic comes up in the future please :D
  8. Travis


    To me the definition of a warrior is simple.  Heres what someone has already said better than me. A warrior and a soldier Can be a very differnt thing. "In every culture around the world, there have been plenty of men and women willing to fight anyone, anything, any time, anywhere.  In...
  9. Travis

    Canada could see terror attacks, Cellucci warns

    *Applauds nULL‘s last statement* Although we must admit that it is more likely to be someone of Arab decent.
  10. Travis

    Canada could see terror attacks, Cellucci warns

    Its not what I think its what the MASS thinks. Its my rant on how the recruiting system is completely foolish and appeals to the ones who think they have no choice BUT becoming a Truck Driver. Now your not thinking of the respect factor.. *sigh* Any Psychologist‘s here to help me with this...
  11. Travis

    Canada could see terror attacks, Cellucci warns

    Gear down turbo. George. I forgot you old ones dont understand the current Hip-Hop Lingo. My bad.. or whoops. I am sorry my fellow man. :salute: .An educated person would know that the "lingo" is actually the evolution of a language. ~~ Now your not looking at it from the perspective...
  12. Travis

    Canada could see terror attacks, Cellucci warns

    Thas what im sayin.. beefed up borders is good. The right people being the terrorists :D Sorry aboutt he misunderstanding in my writing there heh
  13. Travis

    Canada could see terror attacks, Cellucci warns

    and besides beefin up the borders aint gona hurt anybody but the right people. ~~The right people being the Terrorists.
  14. Travis

    Canada could see terror attacks, Cellucci warns

    See.. I myself am 16 and i can tell you exactly why you dont have scores of youngsters entering the Canadian Military. There scared. There scared because they believe the Canadian Military is one of the worst in the world with all its funding cut backs and compared to the US Military and there...
  15. Travis

    Mutilation horror in DR Congo

    Looks like that continent could use a few good men. ~ Evil succeds when good men do nothing. - Edmunde Burke
  16. Travis

    President George W Bush

    Most of the Muslim pop. is just an average joe as said above. I have many friends from countries such as afghanistan, and pakistan. The problem is that its corrupt to the core in those places. With enough money you can controll peoples everyday intakes on society especially foreign society...
  17. Travis

    Foreign Legion

    The Leggion is basically an Elite Army. IN the legion they train you to not fear death, basically consider yourself already dead. Its some of the most intense miliatry training you can get, people die doing this. If you dont follow an order they‘ll shoot you on the spot, even worse if...
  18. Travis

    How‘d you go about asking someone out?

    Bah when someone asks why we even need an army i plan to say " Lets hope you never have to find out " Bam! Im good hehe.. ya. Id think gurls love the uniform! althou.. unless your talkin about taht nasty green jump suite.. whats a DU.. sorry im not in the military as u can tell by my dumb...
  19. Travis

    QOR Para Coy & parachute tasking reserve sub-units

    umm does anyone have any sites on paratroopers in the reserves or even on pilots in the reserves. I would just like to know the basic info on the reserves and being a paratrooper or pilot. How much you have to work, how long till you can volunteer for a UN mission etc.
  20. Travis

    What were the proudest moments in your CF career?

    To MuaiFui ( im not in CF yet ) but one of my proud moments ( if it happened :D ) would be to capture Usama alive and not dead. Any fool can kill, I think it would be far greater to bring him to justice.. killin‘ him would just portray him even more as a martyr ( sp ? ) I remember...