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Search results

  1. ArmyAviator

    Brother Postings; In-Town Excercises?

    ShadyBrah Postings are determined in part by the needs of the service and the other part is a magic chrystal ball with a voodoo which doctor. You and your brother can both put in your choices but in the end you will have little control over your fate, especially on your initial posting. Now...
  2. ArmyAviator

    Geopolitics in the 21st Century

    Well I haven't been to Army.ca in a LOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time. It is good to see such a dynamic discussion on the current regional power struggles.  While I still like discussions on the best small arms and tac vests, the Poli-Sci Major in me relishes a good discussion on international relations...
  3. ArmyAviator

    How good is the side arm?

    No dispute here.  I know they have them available commercially.  Can I get it in the CF?  (Not a comment; a true question.  Can the armourers do this mod?) Glocks:  100% agreement.  They are the closest things to "Pilot Proof".  (Yes I know I'm slamming my own MOC ;D but we get very...
  4. ArmyAviator

    How good is the side arm?

    The Hi power was a great weapon but it has been overrun by technology.  The old single action, single sided safety catch, requires more trg than most units give/get to carry it safely in a cocked and locked state (and for a lefty it would be unsafe).  Yes a tuned up Hi-power is a good weapon. ...
  5. ArmyAviator

    Rumour regarding Medium Lift

    Floor armour in a Griffon.......colour it gone.  It is 600 lbs (somebody correct the weight for me: it has been a few years since I've flown with it) of useless weight.  Not that I am not concerned about the FE's and soldiers in the back, but it isn't going to do jacks^&* to protect you.  Take a...
  6. ArmyAviator

    Air Force's CADPAT name-tag & rank

    Duey    Update yourself dude   ;D.   They will be testing four submission of CADPAT FR 2 Pce flight suit/crew suit this fall.   The battle has been won and 1 Wing and the Army are very close to winning the war on this issue.
  7. ArmyAviator

    CH-146 Griffon

    Rammy Excellent attitude.  I wish you all the best.  keep up the hard work, stay healthy and be persistant with the recruiter (respectively so).  Looking forward to seeing you bashing about the battlefield at 15 ft.
  8. ArmyAviator

    CH-146 Griffon

    Short Final: I think this young lad was talking about becoming a real Griffon Pilots  ;D  (Shields up Mr Sulu) Rammy   Inch laid it out pretty good for you.  You are old enough now to talk to a recruiter.  They can answer some of the specifics for what type of education you need.  CEGEP by...
  9. ArmyAviator

    Battlefield Combat Identification (BCID)

    While I can't give you a soldiers perspective on the IFF issue, I can tell you from an Aviation perspective we wouldn't go flying in a combat zone without one. Even after the shooting war in Kosovo was done and the LFs moved in, everything that flew in the theatre had to have IFF mode 4 on.   If...
  10. ArmyAviator

    What is a Veteran?

    Another point of view.  I've always held the belief that there are two types of vets.  Veterans of military service are those who have served their country honourably and been released at the end of a terms of service.  Then there are War Veterans (with a big capital V) that have served their...
  11. ArmyAviator

    Inter branch politics - Army, Navy, Airforce, and a Joint Force

    SeaKingTacco:  I stand, humbly, corrected :-[  I have heard gunners use the term, apparently incorrectly, to describe their (your past) organization.  I guess this is were I picked it up. :) As stated back to the original intent, I certainly have seen directly and indirect inter-service and...
  12. ArmyAviator

    Inter branch politics - Army, Navy, Airforce, and a Joint Force

    SeaKingTacco     PPCLI Guy was not mistaken when he referred to the Artillery Corps.  In the Army the term Corps has a couple of meanings.  There is the formation - Corps - which consists of two or more divisions or it can refer to a grouping of one of the Combat Arms such as Armoured Corps...
  13. ArmyAviator

    Question need some help...

    Guys, don't be so hard on this young'un. :D  Canada 14, there are several things you will want to consider.  First off, what university courses do you want.  With very few exceptions you will need to get a degree to enroll as an officer and pilot in the CF.  If your marks are good enough and you...
  14. ArmyAviator

    13 kg UAV to Fly at 132,000 ft for weeks?

    Zoomie - 1 Wing is only getting the TUAV.  A long drawnout political argument led to this.  To make a long story short the decision was that if the Air Force was going to run the UAV's then the Army insisted that the ones they bought for their use be given to 1 Wing. The Strategic or...
  15. ArmyAviator

    Renewed Interest in PDWs for the CF?

    GW I'll admit my experience is dated.  When we (I was with 408 THS at this time) went to Kosovo with the LDSh Recce Sqn, ahead of the PPCLI BG, the MP plt that provided the Airfield security had to take Brownings.  I inquired with the Plt OC and was told that the NSE could not support the Sig...
  16. ArmyAviator

    Renewed Interest in PDWs for the CF?

    I know we were watching the PDW programme with great interest at 1 Wing.  The tac hel gang would love to upgrade from the Browning HP to a better personal weapon.  The Sig would be a great improvement but two factors weigh against it.  First is it is still a 9mm pistol.  A pistols effective...
  17. ArmyAviator

    Attack Helicopters

    Whiskey601.  I think there has been thoughts and Ideas on this eversince attack helicopters existed.  The Air Force (The hard Air Force and not half breeds like myself who wear blue but have spent more time with the Army) was often suspect of them and had other priorities.  It is becoming...
  18. ArmyAviator

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    This in from the Washington Post.   Noticed the revised cost estimate in $US.   IMHO when the government and the CF start looking at a replacement for the CF-18 we will be looking at the newer marks of the Eurofighter, Rafale, etc from Europe.   You can talk all you want about how much better...
  19. ArmyAviator

    What is the future of the Canadian forces?

    An interesting an open ended question from Pvt Albano.  Although the original question was maybe geared to the question as to wether or not the CF would be around in 15 years or not, I am interested in what the CF is going to look like in the next few years given the proposed shake ups by Gen...
  20. ArmyAviator

    Medium/Heavy Lift Helos

    Good day to all.  After months of observing as a guest decided to get involved.  Besides I couldn't let Duey give all the answers and I wanted to add my 2 cents in as a Tac Hel driver.  I have to agree and disagree with Duey.  I disagree on the usefullness of the MV22 for 1 Wing.  I Think...