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Search results

  1. Krazy Al

    Life as an Infantry Soldier?

    I’m looking to join the army as an Infantry soldier and I just wanted to know from someone who has  already been in the army (preferably as and infantry soldier or something closely related) for several years to tell me what is your basic day to day life like. I went to forces.gc.ca and looked...
  2. Krazy Al


    Dude, I have the same problem, I got rejected because I used a puffer for a month! A MONTH!!! and thats all, just to get some breathing problems out of the way. I know how you feel, the army is what Iv always wanted to do as well but I'm not going to lie in my application. I have the same...
  3. Krazy Al

    How to get family on board

    Just do what you think is right, consider what other people say but don't do it if you don't want to. Myself i will be 17 in a week and switching my  application from Reserve to Regular forces. I have some troubles at home and I can't say school is my favourite place although I do good when I...
  4. Krazy Al

    Caller ID read "DND"

    Ha ha! dude trust me, don't get excited too soon. You just got through the easiest part, now you have the tests. I'm working on getting into the reg. forces too and they say I'm qualified for all the positions I applied for so far and I've done the Medical and CFAT along with my Interview. The...
  5. Krazy Al

    Could use some thoughts for Recruiting...If anyone still cares about out Army...

    I'm just 17 and I want to join the Regular army. I am in the process already, just need to fix up my medical file a little, ran into some difficulties there.  I've always wanted to join and now that I can I'm going for it. At my school the military isn't even seen as an option, I talked to...
  6. Krazy Al

    Soldiers who smoke

    I don't smoke but I do have a cigar once in a while, like once every few months...so nothing really. I think that its the individuals choice to smoke and they shouldn't be thought bad of just because they smoke. It can be a good stress reliever but so is alchol  ;D, and thats how I personally...
  7. Krazy Al

    how long do I wait

    3 years!! thats insane, wat could possibly take so long
  8. Krazy Al

    how long do I wait

    I've been there three times and nobody gave me any cards, the first time I went to get all the paperwork I spoke to one and then when I brought it back I spoke to another Sgt. and the one time I called I spoke to a third one....but anyway, I'll ask for a card or just call and ask how I can keep...
  9. Krazy Al

    how long do I wait

    well, what do you mean the same pearson, how would I do that, they have a new guy in the office every week or so, how do I keep in touch with just one.
  10. Krazy Al

    how long do I wait

    ya, thats basically what I expected to hear. Its just that I heard its pretty fast getting through all the tests and stuff, just after that u have to sit and wait....and I have done research and I always look around for any new info that could help me get through this faster, its just easier and...
  11. Krazy Al

    how long do I wait

    I filled out all the paper work and the recruiter said to wait a few weeks for them to call and schedule my tests. its been 3 weeks and no call. I've called them back once and they said to wait because they're not ready yet, is it normall to wait this long and why would it take three weeks. I've...
  12. Krazy Al

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    I'm Russian but I moved here from Kazakhstan. Thanks for all your help guys. I still don't get it though...what do they expect to find on and 8 year old kid, thats so messed up. Can't believe it takes so long. And another thing, it says in the document Kincanucks posted up, number 2 at the...
  13. Krazy Al

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    I have been thinking about joining and doing all the research I could for that past month and I finally decided to go to the recruiter today. I've been living in Canada for 8 years now and he told me that I have to have lived in Canada for at least 10 years or an additional security clearance...
  14. Krazy Al

    what where your test results?

    J.F. it probably depends on how fit you are, I just tried doing as much as I could and I stopped at 55, I'd say thats pretty good and I'll probably do better when I'm getting tested. I haven't really ever done push ups or chin ups, I've just been weight lifting for the past year or so, I use...
  15. Krazy Al

    what where your test results?

    thanks for the feedback guys
  16. Krazy Al

    what where your test results?

    69 push ups, you must have been dead after that, one away for 70. I'm hoping to get about 50 or 60, I think I can do it, especially when your all exited because they're testing you lol.
  17. Krazy Al

    what where your test results?

    This isn't really a questions but anyway, I was just wondering what you guys got on your physical fitness test, # of push ups, sit ups, time on the running, grip test...everything. I know all the minimums but I really don't want to get the minimum because I know I can do better then 19 push ups...
  18. Krazy Al

    I won't to join, need some help

    I just want to say to Steve and everyone else who shares his thoughts, that I don't think I'm going to be some big time commando dude sneaking around in the bush shooting bad guys. I don't want to be a sniper to just shoot people, I also realise that I couldn't possibly know exactly what a...
  19. Krazy Al

    I won't to join, need some help

    I am 16 right now and hope to join this up coming summer, I want to eventually be a sniper or a pathfinder in the army but from what I read that isn't my decision to make. If theres anyone who already is a sniper or a pathfinder I would like to know how you got to be one and I would just like to...