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Search results

  1. Andy

    Cdn. troops exchange fire with insurgents

    Well I have searched through Military Current Affairs & News and I have found nothing about it.  This just happened on the 18th or 19th of Feb and I saw no posts about it.  As to the link to the article I found it on the DIN and you can't access it from any home computer just military computers.
  2. Andy

    Cdn. troops exchange fire with insurgents

    Insurgents firing rocket-propelled grenades attacked fresh <Canadian> troops manning an outpost in southern Afghanistan on the weekend in a first test of their resolve under fire. The platoon from Princess Patricia's <Canadian> <Light> <Infantry> answered with a fusillade from their rifles and...
  3. Andy

    Counterinsurgency/COIN Literature & Discussion (merged)

    I know that during pre-deployment training there are classes on basic words and phrases but it is not extensive enough to actually remember anything usefull.  It is definitely not done enough and your best bet is to learn it on your own before going.  I'm pretty sure it is not a concern to CO's...
  4. Andy

    K9 unit

    For some reason the link does not work for me >:D
  5. Andy

    Canadians on Patrol in Afghanistan

    I dont think we are disscussing ROE's we are disscussing an article on the Canadian Military In Combat Patrols.  Red Devils  >:D
  6. Andy

    Canadians on Patrol in Afghanistan

    Good Article The Red Devils are showing the Afghan people how things are going to be with the 25mm Cannon...... I like it......They will learn eventually to never mess with the red devils.... HUA!
  7. Andy

    K9 unit

    I think a K9 unit is a great idea.  The americans use them in Bagram and I think every Canadian camp should have them.  I also agree that this is not the right forum.   
  8. Andy

    Afghan bomber caught in the act

    As much as i want to see Canada Woop some Taliban over there, I have to say that it was not the Canadian's that opened fire It was the American's and I'm not just guessing I was called this morning at 5:30 am from one of the Red Devils confirming that story.  Either way its still awesome. And...