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  1. Chief Clerk

    Purple Trades: Definition & Trg Discussion

    Its like one big circle - the Canadian Forces - we will eventually go back to 3 elements - the purple folks will finally be able to be where they want.  I think our leaders may have believed combining the ARMY, AIRFORCE and NAVY would save big $, but it would seem at the sake of the Purple...
  2. Chief Clerk

    Question about memo rules

    Any memo addressed to the CO will normally be looked at by an Admin O or Adjt or G1 (All admin weenies) before it will end up on the CO's desk.  Probably your question will be answered correctly by one of the aforementioned and will not require the CO to add his or her two cents - unfortunately...
  3. Chief Clerk

    Hillier on Sea Kings in the Ghan'

    Any guesses on just How Long Gen Hillier will last before our friendly politicians pull the rug out from under him?  We all know what happens to Generals who speak the truth and stand up for us little guys - its happened oh too many times before to other "standup, honest" Generals.  I really...
  4. Chief Clerk

    Whats new in Recruiting? Gen Hillier's thoughts. Options for improvement.

    yeah (paracowboy) we need to keep the training progressive enough to keep them interested thats for sure! but our hands are so tied , it freakin pisses me off! if you want to do any kind of good traing with your troops we need to go through 10 Officers to get them to tell you No! Got to agree...
  5. Chief Clerk

    Land Enviroment Training?

    You must be Steve's father, could you beat some sense into him for us. He buys expensive green tea  Grin He is finally off to the ARMY (Hey he tried AF and NAVY - but ended up being part of the brainwashed :) ) I gave up beating sense into him 22 years ago - But I am sure proud of him - 3 in...
  6. Chief Clerk

    Whats new in Recruiting? Gen Hillier's thoughts. Options for improvement.

    Totally agree Reserves should recruit and process reserves - let the Reg recruit its own this would cut down and back on alot of paperwork and time.  Winnipeg has a fairly modern CFRC which was a pleasure to visit on many occasions - very modern in comparison to some hole in the walls- too bad...
  7. Chief Clerk

    Whats new in Recruiting? Gen Hillier's thoughts. Options for improvement.

    Recruiters - any new happenings on the horizon that will even better our current system? 1.  Is recruiting due for any new changes in CFRG? 2.  The way we currently administer enrollment meds? 3.  Regionalization of CFRCs vice having CFRG? 4.  Possible ways of getting people in quicker? 5. ...
  8. Chief Clerk

    Purple Trades: Definition & Trg Discussion

    You sure it was Reg Force?  Cant see why the Navy would have a separate crse for Sup Techs - the trg should not be different at that level and the element should not make a difference.  When they go to ships - they learn to do it the "ships" way same as the AF or Army. Look as far as the uniform...
  9. Chief Clerk

    Land Enviroment Training?

    RMS C Clk (Air) in Shilo - never heard of this - maybe younger soldiers?  I know my son is going RMS Clk and when he gets to Borden he has to do his SQ then Clk QL3.  Years ago when I went to an Infantry unit we did Winter Warfare and Battle School to get us ramped up to be part of the Unit. I...
  10. Chief Clerk

    Clothing Upkeep Allowance - Bye bye

    Got a bit of info on this - any Rag pickers (term of endearment) out there with anymore to add to this - ie - point system, steping into a telephone booth to get measured (precious), what the hell are they going to do with the techs in clothing stores besides combats - whats the deal with this...
  11. Chief Clerk

    Requirements for females in the fitness test

    Hi, my fiance has been in the army for 10 years and I've strongly been considering joining, however i'm not sure how well I would do on the fitness portion or if it's different for women. Currently I can run a half marathon (21k) and do 50-75 situps  Roll Eyes, not so great at pushups and not...
  12. Chief Clerk

    Basic Training-what do you think?

    I am suppose to be going to Basic Training this summer for Reg ARTY Field, This question is for people that have already completed Basic or are in it know! What was the hardest thing in your own opinion that you had to do at Basic? I asked my friend and his answer was "To stay awake" he said...
  13. Chief Clerk

    Purple Trades: Definition & Trg Discussion

    Most Service Support, if not all (Logistics) are Purple.  It really does not matter what color uniform (Blue, Green, Black) you are wearing the CF will send you to wherever they wish.  You simply show up and soldier/air or Navy on.  I know the trg for RMS is no different - we all go to our main...
  14. Chief Clerk

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    KinCanuck - Are you a Recruiting Officer?  Were you ever a Recruiting Officer?  It would seem you have a great knowledge of Recruiting and the Recruiting system?  Please enlighten some of us whom HAVE actually worked in this system!  Would not post something on this site if I didnt really know...
  15. Chief Clerk

    is st.jean a canadian forces base?

    On the topic of St Jean - who thinks we should deep six this god forsaken dump and go back to the way it was (Chilliwack for Officers and GOOD OLD Cornwallis for Recruits)?  I know some of you would say - weve got to move into the future - but when the future looks like St Jean we are in a world...
  16. Chief Clerk

    RMS Clerk, any info??

    OK, a Junior Clerk (Private) will go to our school in Borden,Ontario call The Canadian Forces School of Administration and Logistics (CFSAL) where many other trades along with RMS do training (Supply techs, Truckers, etc).  I am not sure how long your initial trades training is (2mos+) but not...
  17. Chief Clerk

    Enrolled today

    Imagine, its "suppose" to be easier to trans - Good god its easier to come straight off the street, beer bottle in one hand, crack pipe in the other with a tee shirt stating I love SATAN - this person will be in the Reg F before you!  Pissed with the Recruiting system!
  18. Chief Clerk

    Pilot applicant has to wait 1 month just to TAKE a medical exam

    Member of Parliament or Military Ombudsman - get hold of one of them and RANT AWAY - PLEASE!
  19. Chief Clerk

    Residency Requirements for SECURITY CLEARANCE

    Security Clerance - another big disfactor in getting in the CF.  Takes WAY to long to process - Someone really needs to get back the resources we had (Military Policemen) local/DND wide and get on with this process.  Either that or hire an organization with real technology to get on with this...
  20. Chief Clerk

    Time on med files returning to CFRC

    See my reply in  "how long did it take you" - I believe this is absolutely rediculous - hire more Civilian MOs and get on with it - sending files to CFRG to ANOTHER doctor seems to me to be rediculous!  And I know the party line with CFRG is they are worried about enrolling unfit pers who will...