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  1. dutchknight

    Lincoln and Welland

    Yes that is a possibility, also we can trace our roots back two hundred plus years. We also have our own museum In Naigara-on-the-Lake. If you ever get the chance go see it. 
  2. dutchknight

    Lincoln and Welland

    This is the email address for our recuiting office  L&Wrecruiting@forces.gc.ca
  3. dutchknight

    Lincoln and Welland

    This is the unit website some good info here if you are interested !  :army: http://www.iaw.on.ca/~awoolley/lincweld.html
  4. dutchknight

    Lincoln and Welland

    Hey we will be glad to have ya, I am current PMC of the Jr's mess at the Lincoln and Welland Rgt. I will try and hook ya up with the E-mail address you need . dutchknight