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  1. I

    OP: Cougar Salvo

    Its not mine, its a friends that i borrowed for the ex, but its an Isreali Defence Forse vest
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    OP: Cougar Salvo

    haha that picture of the opfor soldier you posted is none other than myself
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    New Foreign and Defence Policy Statements - 19 Apr 05

    When it says the new special forces task force will marry jtf2 does that mean join it and expand it? or will it bea completly different task force? What would its tasks include if it was completly seperate unit from jtf2?
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    Looking to Buy a Patrol Pack

    Our unit is currently trying to get some kind of a deal with a manufacturer so we can get a bunch of packs for a discount price , but i didnt really like the looks of the one were looking at. The cpgear patrol pack is what i was interested in as the ops ive tried on before and i think its kind...
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    Looking to Buy a Patrol Pack

    We've been told that since we have no butpack now with our tacvests, that everyone in our unit will be required to have a day/patrol pack and i have been looking around for a cadpat patrol pack. The packs on cpgear look decent but i was wondering if anyone knows of a better pack that is...
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    Canadian peacekeeper gear...

    On cougar salvo last month i saw 1 or 2 troops that had camelbacks with the label and eveything except in cadpat. Where would someone get a cadpat camelback? are they available for purchase somewhere or is this a issue item?
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    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    I am from the Thunder Bay area and recruiting into local units seem to go very quickly here. When i joined about a year and a half ago it took only a few months from start to finish. I also havea friend who just signed up in late febuary and he is already parading with our unit and is schedualed...
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    Re: Cougar Salvo 05

    I went on that exercise witha few people from my unit from Ontario to be part of the enemy force. I have my bmq/sq but not biq as my course was cancelled last year, but i have been in for 2 years now. We found ourselves doing GD's fora good portion of the time and when we were told that we were...
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    The risks of joining the reserves at 16.

    A little off topic but i joined the reserves when i was 16 last year and i havnt had any negative effects in things liek my school work, plus itsa job im actually enjoy going to and alot of the time i actually look forward to parade nights and exercises. We were told that there was a tour...
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    For all the MARS wanna-bees

    Thre is probably a easy answer to this as im missing somthing  or not seeina link but when i clickthat link it does not bring me to a video nor can i find a link to the video on the page
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    good things come to those who wait!

    Thats very true, and after being trained now i would have dressed differntly, i was only 16 tho and applying to get into a BMQ program through highschool co-op. I just meant to say that going out and buying a new suit for ur interview is completly unnecissary
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    good things come to those who wait!

    I dont know about you guys but during my interview stuff when i joined the reserves last year i wore jeans and a t shirt and they seemed morethan happy to be recruiting a new member.
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    Lineman able to take combat courses?

    Yeah thats what i figured but would a trade like that need to take a basic infantry course first b4 takin more advanced courses lie kthe oens mentioned?
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    Lineman able to take combat courses?

    I was jsut talking to a friend who is a Lineman and he was told that he can take courses that I previously thought were only infantry related such as urban warfare, recce, and parachuting. If he was to take one of these courses would he be required to have his basic infantry qualification course...