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  1. thatoldfool

    Merged 64 Pattern Rucksack thread

    I thought about rigging it like that, but didn't like how that forced me to loosen the straps to get into the ruck. If no one is interested in buying my old one, I might try a few more complicated mods, though... As to bringing it on tour--not interested in it for that, really--I just want to...
  2. thatoldfool

    Merged 64 Pattern Rucksack thread

    To add another review to this thread, and to ask for some direction: I'm an infantry reservist currently attached with 2R22R for F0-1019. While still at my home unit, I decided to order the CP-Gear 64-Pack system, once I saw that the old frames were once again available. Having used it for...
  3. thatoldfool

    Looking for new Pams

    Hey all, I'm looking for someone that has the new pams that were publihsed, only in pdf format thus far, some two-three months ago. I heard from a buddy of mine that just got off his PLQ about 90 days ago that soldiers on that course were given a CD of them, but the Army Electronic Library...
  4. thatoldfool

    "Whose War Is It?" by J. L. Granatstein

    Having read the review of this book in the Globe and Mail, and having especially enjoyed Canada's Army, I decided to pick this book up. Overall, I found the book both informative and easy to read. Granatstein's point are important ones, although anyone who has read any of his other work will...
  5. thatoldfool

    Pre Deployment Info

    Thanks for the reply--sites found and bookmarked, and the second half of my question is pretty much answered...! I suppose I was just wondering if they had any Afghan-specific pams or info, but this these sites cover the family/friends interaction with the military side of things. Now, I guess...
  6. thatoldfool

    Pre Deployment Info

    Hey all, I've searched the board, and read what little I could find (yes, i've been to the official Canadian Armed Forces deployment page)--but failing to find enough, I decided to post. I am a reservist in an Infantry regiment that is considering volunteering for deployment next fall...
  7. thatoldfool

    FOR SALE: Dop Zone 64 Pack Pouch

    To be honest, I don't know the specs of the regular back, so I can't say. However, the website, www.dropzonetactical.com likely has all the info that you desire. Let me know if you're interested, -Cin
  8. thatoldfool

    Requesting Help: C7 & General Marksmanship "Cheat Sheet"

    Hey all, having done my infantry training this summer, and having returned to my unit, I noticed that many people, myself included, were quickly getting "rusty" on the things they had learned. To help combat this, and maybe help my fellow soldiers out, i've decided to start producing "cheat...
  9. thatoldfool

    FOR SALE: Dop Zone 64 Pack Pouch

    The pack is OD, and I don't believe there's a public cadpat version yet, although i hear that DZ is working on making them. Nonetheless, as the bag is modular, and cadpad pouches can be added, the OD should be made practically invisible by these additions. Cheers, -D
  10. thatoldfool

    FOR SALE: Dop Zone 64 Pack Pouch

    Hey all, I offered to sell this before, but at the time, there were no takers. I'm selling the *main bag* from the drop zone tactical 64 pack set-up. The main bag retails for $240. I offer the bag, brand-new, for $150 or best offer. I look forward to hearing from you, -D
  11. thatoldfool


    I thought it was pretty good, but still think that the TV show is better. The film went over the top in some places, and not far enough in others, i.e. i think it would have been hilarious to see the feminism interview continue, or more awkward conversation at the gun shop. Should be seen, just...
  12. thatoldfool

    Merged 64 Pattern Rucksack thread

    Just a heads up to all: CPGear is offering what seem to be *original* 64-pack (jump-ruck) frames for the very reasonable price of $45. No army surplus I've been to has had a better price, and more often than not, the listed price is higher. Here's the link...
  13. thatoldfool


    I agree, I find it a useful way to keep in touch with old friends, and even to find some people with common interests. There's a half decent, global, Canadian Forces group with between 500-600 members, and I myself run the Armed Forces McGill group. Not a bad site--kind of like a cleaned up and...
  14. thatoldfool

    new Bond film - Casino Royale

    Well, worth it, yes, but best not to go in expecting anything like the "old" Bond movies. And yes, i concede that the "I have no armour" bit might be a clever addition to broaden Bond's general demographic ;p For me, a recent movie that I thought was top notch was The Departed...but I guess I...
  15. thatoldfool

    new Bond film - Casino Royale

    Oy, I went and saw it with a few army mates on Friday. Initial few scenes--amazing, and it was interesting to see Bond before he's honed all his skills--that is to say, a cruder, more basic, Bond. However, the Venice scene destroyed the film for me. So as not to spoil it for those who haven't...
  16. thatoldfool

    FOR SALE: DZ 64/ALICE Pack Main Bag - $180 obo

    Being a keener, I bought this piece of kit before qualifying, thinking that I would slowly build myself the "ultimate" rucksack. Well, as it happens, my RSM is particularly adamant that we stick to only issued kid, and so I'm looking to recoup some of my expenses. For sale is a new...
  17. thatoldfool

    Why the Classics--A Poem

    'evening all, I happened to stumble upon this poem this evening, and as it speaks about the old days--of war, and of not making excuses--I felt that I should post it.                         Why the Classics                         by Zbigniew Herbert                                 1    ...
  18. thatoldfool

    Merged 64 Pattern Rucksack thread

    Good evening all, One more request for all of you with the 64 pack--as the pictures posted last year no longer show properly, could someone post (again) their 64 setup? I'm curious specifically as to one's choice in modular pouches, and in the distant future, am wondering whether to get the...
  19. thatoldfool

    Merged 64 Pattern Rucksack thread

    I just found a scan of the old, US Army, ALICE pack, manual, and post it here for your reference: http://www.georgia-outfitters.com/_alice/alicemanual.htm Hope someone finds it useful, or at least interesting. Cheers, -Cincinnatus
  20. thatoldfool

    Merged 64 Pattern Rucksack thread

    I'm actually not planning on buying it, or anything, anytime soon, and likely any purchase would be made in the fall when I have some more money saved. However, as I am avid camper and hiker, and am curiouse about such things, I was, and still am interested in the above information. Furthermore...