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  1. B

    C79 Information

    Is there such a thing as a PAM for the C79? I have to do a lesson on it and the only pieces of info I can find are what's mentioned in other PAMs; i.e. a paragraph or two in the C7 Pam. If anybody has any information on this it would be greatly appreciated.
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    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    So, according to this, most Canadians feel we should take part in the war on terror. We just shouldn't have to send troops to do it. That doesn't really make sense.
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    K9 unit

    I don't think this belongs in the "Weapons & Ammo" forum.
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    Flight 93: the Movie

    A guy a know taped this movie of TV and I watched it a couple days ago. While it was dragged out and almost boring in parts, I thought it did an excellent job of showing what the situation must have been like for those on board flight 93. It  seemed very realistic, almost as though it was filmed...
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    Why we fight

    This looks pretty interesting. Is it available in just about any video store? I hadn't heard of it up until now.
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    Task Force 1-07

    My battalion (1 RNFLDR) is supposed to be sending 16 pers, myself included, to begin workup training for TF 1-07 in mid-march. That's all I know about the timings.
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    Actually, they were British. It's still funny though.
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    24 Nov 05: Pte Woodfield Killed, 4 Injured in Afghanistan

    RIP  :salute: You will be remembered.
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    Airborne Vid

    Those are all some really awesome videos. I went skydiving this summer, five jumps, and that was pretty exciting. I can't imagine the adrenaline from those base jumps. I'd like to get my jump course eventually but right now I'll just try to get my Res to Reg Inf CT out of the way.
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    Question of the Hour

    Scipio laid seige to Numantia. He had between 50,000 and 60,000 troops, mostly recruited locally, who were located in seven linked camps surrounding the city. The war was significant because Rome had suffered several humiliating defeats and setbacks in Spain while fighting the Celtiberians.
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    Afghan bomb injures three Canadian soldiers

    The three troops only had light injuries, bruises and minor burns, stuff like that. They're already back on duty. It's too bad about the kid, apparently he died of his injuries. His old man is being treated for serious injuries as well. It sucks that these scumbags attack us and end up doing...
  12. B

    Number of days in reserve BMQ

    I need to fill out the legnth section of my qualifications on my component transfer form. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find my BMQ course report and have no idea how many training days were in it. Does anyone know how many training days are in the reserve weekend and Thursdays BMQ?
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    Becoming a Sniper (merged)

    Every soldier, at certain times,  needs to be able to act independantly and/or upon their own initiative. Snipers follow orders just like everybody else.
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    Issued Tac Vest

  15. B

    Issued Tac Vest

    I actually dont find it too bad in the prone. I wear it high and when in a fire postion it barely even touches the ground. Although it does get stuck in all manners of branches and s*** once you start to crawl.
  16. B

    Weekend training reserves

    As far as i know you can't do SQ/ BIQ on weekends. Sorry. But you never know there might be a way.
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    Issued Tac Vest

    Kevin, How many mags does each of those vests carry? And are those loops on the mags in the RAV just for assisting in getting them from the vest?
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    You need this for christmas

    But what if St. Nick can't find it?!  ???
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    Languages you know

    English is my primary language but I speak a reasonable amount of French (learned in Elementary School.)
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    ANZAC Day: 25 April 2005 - 90th Anniversary of the Landing at Gallipoli

    My Regiment (Royal Newfoundland Regiment) is the only North American unit with Gallipoli battle honours. We had a parade today retracing the steps our soldiers took before deploying.