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  1. thatgirltiffany

    January 27 BMQ

    I'll probably arrive around 1700hr tomorrow!
  2. thatgirltiffany

    January 27 BMQ

    I'm excited but nervous as well. Excited for the challenges but nervous about how hard some of them are going to be.
  3. thatgirltiffany

    January 27 BMQ

    I'm also 0020E!
  4. thatgirltiffany

    January 27 BMQ

    I have to be in Borden for 25 weeks I believe. Since my trade is not an "in demand trade" my course only runs once a year, I've been told so I'm given two options: I can be put on a PAT platoon or do OJT til my course starts. Doing the obvious and going with the OJT since a buddy of mine who's...
  5. thatgirltiffany

    January 27 BMQ

    Well, if you get posted to Kingston it's one of the nicer cities to live in (I live there right now). Not sure what Borden is like, that's why I'm taking my car there so I can leave on the weekends when I'm not swamped with homework haha.
  6. thatgirltiffany

    January 27 BMQ

    I guess "chill" was the wrong word to use haha. I was only given the option to drive when I accepted my offer, but in my acceptance package, it stated I could have taken the train. I only live three hours away anyways so it's not a far drive at all. I'm not keeping my car there, however I was...
  7. thatgirltiffany

    January 27 BMQ

    I actually just asked my recruiter yesterday about our platoon number and he told me we won't know this until we're in St. Jean. I have a question, what do we do if we're early? I'm driving there and I'll probably be a few hours early just so I can ensure that I'm there on time and take into...
  8. thatgirltiffany

    January 27 BMQ

    I'll be seeing you fine folks there. I accepted an offer for Traffic Tech and swear in on the 21st and head out for the 25th. Stoked!