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  1. L

    Job Offer

    Sounds good, thanks for your response.  I will just keep trucking away at my current job until the stars align.  I feel bad for quitting abruptly, as I respect the hell out of my bosses and I may put them in a tight spot.  I guess sometimes in the end you just have to follow your dreams!
  2. L

    Job Offer

    Perfect, thanks for your help.  Looks like training could just be postponed until I've recovered.  Horrible timing regardless!
  3. L

    Job Offer

    I have been offered an officer position via email, and am calling in tomorrow.  Only problem is that I have a cast on my finger currently, and am afraid i won't be allowed to training since the cast won't be off until pro late January early February. I had minor surgery and will require very...
  4. L

    DEO 2013 financial year

    It seems kind of scummy to accept long term employment somewhere when you already know that you want to bolt from the door at your first chance.  I also know that with one of the positions someone stuck their neck out for me, so it would be pretty rude to that person to work then leave after a...
  5. L

    DEO 2013 financial year

    I am pretty sure this long, drawn-out, and bureaucratic hiring process really does hurt their talent pool. I really want to serve, but when multiple private sector employers are offering jobs right away, it is difficult to turn them down. I wouldn't mind turning down a job if I had a clear...
  6. L

    DEO 2013 financial year

    Hello guys I am new here, so bear with me. I recently applied for the Log Officer position. I took the CFAT this week and I am pretty sure I did well. I was also told after my CFAT that my file was ranked as an "A", which is apparently good.(???)  My questions are: when should I expect to get an...