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  1. C

    Tuesday Parade Night Starting Date?

    I searched for this in the search bar, but was unable to find anything. Does anybody have the date that Parade nights start again for Reservists? I have been told both September 2nd, and September 9th
  2. C

    Increasing my chances of going as Infantry in the Reserves

    Untrue. I am 16 and joined, Finished my CFAT, and have my Physical in 1 week. With a parents signature, you can join at 16.
  3. C

    How to get family on board

    Good news! After I showed that i'm not getting deployed as soon as I sign up, And explaining why I want to join (Plus showing how it is a good PT job) They will sign the application for the Reserves! I have an appointment with my recruiter on the 7th. Hopefully my application gets processed...
  4. C

    How to get family on board

    I doubt they know about that. I knew about it a while before the recruiters even showed up. They just clarified exactly how it works. I'm just assuming they might think that I'll be shipped off somewhere. Last time reservists were forced to fight we were against the Nazis. Ill be joining anyways...
  5. C

    How to get family on board

    Im 16. And I wish to join the Reserves, however my parents seem to think (for the most part) that the military is for people who cant get a good job anywhere else. The reserves are not the main force, but they still might think it would be bad for me to join. How do you think I can get them to...
  6. C

    Questions about the reserves

    Its no problem. I was wondering why the members of the regiment would say that though. Maybe its different in Quebec? Im in Saskatchewan. I would be joining the North Saskatchewan Regiment.
  7. C

    Questions about the reserves

    Are you sure about 17? the recruiters that came to our school pointed out, that 16 year olds can join the reserves, but not the regular force. And for BMQ, yea I can do it during summer. I just was meaning during the school year, as I was not sure when BMQ dates were.
  8. C

    Questions about the reserves

    Im going to talk to a recruiter tomorrow about joining the reserves. What should I expect when talking to him? its during a parade night at the armoury. Im 16 so im going to need to figure out how to get my parents to sign the signature on the application fourm. Is there anything I should...
  9. C

    Questions about the reserves

    Hey guys. I am a High School student looking at joining the reserves. I have a few questions about how they work though. 1. I am still in high school. Do the reserves require me to go to BMQ in Quebec like the regular force? (Which i wont be able to do) Or how exactly do we get our BMQ done...