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  1. H

    January 27 BMQ

    I know that I don't need it tomorrow. But, I am keeping everything together.
  2. H

    January 27 BMQ

    i think i am all done... auto bio written out. neatly... security clearance form done. got my voided cheque, birth cert., sin card, common law docs... i think i can sleep easy now. lol... not that i will get much sleep with the anticipation of tomorrow... all you peeps in the hfx area, see you...
  3. H

    January 27 BMQ

    I am also 20E, as per my offer letter. If that is in fact our Platoon number and not our course number...
  4. H

    Autobiography Thread (merged)

    I agree with marinemech. We've moved 6 times in 8 years. Each city was a new job. Plus all the other work history i've had. Plus a separated family, each remarried... So, only 400 words is not a whole lot...
  5. H

    January 27 BMQ

    Only two weeks away now guys... Looking forward to meeting everyone. :camo:
  6. H

    January 27 BMQ

    Anyone getting anxious yet? Just under 2 weeks now until the Swearing in Ceremony... Almost there... Also, anybody get any more tips on what we should bring along with us when we go?
  7. H

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    For anyone who has done Basic Training during the winter months, would you benefit by bringing winter pt clothing? ie: sweats or track pants and a sweat shirt? or are you pretty well indoors until you get your kit issued?
  8. H

    January 27 BMQ

    just taking a look at the backlog here... but, i was also wondering what people have been told that they should bring with to make the winter months a bit easier??? still looking around, so not sure if there is a thread somewhere for this.
  9. H

    January 27 BMQ

    I didn't think that the Force evaluation was taking effect until April... But, even then... I wouldn't go on hearsay until I was there and found out first hand. Either way, there will be plenty of running and push ups and sit ups...
  10. H

    January 27 BMQ

    good to know. ;)
  11. H

    January 27 BMQ

    how do you know that? were you already given your flight information?
  12. H

    January 27 BMQ

    marinemech, not only that... but, looks like SJBeaton, you and I all were at the Hfx recruiting center for our CFAT, interview and medicals on the same day... what a coincidence...
  13. H

    January 27 BMQ

    Congrats ShaunaS... another one for the team.. I think you are number 3 for RMS.. should be fun.. Jason.
  14. H

    January 27 BMQ

    Looks like we have a few from the hfx area going... nice to see a few of us are also going RMS... if anyone wants to meet up for a run ahead of BMQ... let me know... Jason Maslow You can always find me on face'crack' or msg me here...
  15. H

    January 27 BMQ

    Hey all... also received my job offer this week and will be there for the 27th. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Cheers..
  16. H

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Hey all... Finally received my job offer the other day. ACCEPTED..! Wondering if there is anyone else in the Dartmouth/Halifax area scheduled for Basic on January 27th 2014...? :yellow:  :cdn: ;D