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Search results

  1. J

    CLP Stains/Removal on the Daypack

    Thanks for the recommendations!
  2. J

    CLP Stains/Removal on the Daypack

    Hi all, just finished my BMQ-L and I had an incident where a CLP bottle exploded in my bag during the FTX. I've washed the bag out and scrubbed the exterior with laundry soap and a brush but the surface of my bag seems to be very stiff still and there is a noticable dark patch where the oil...
  3. J

    Summer Training and CFB Edmonton Questions

    Thanks for the replies! I was looking for something to do in the way of hiking and things to see, but your recommendations helped - i'll most likely check out the park.
  4. J

    Summer Training and CFB Edmonton Questions

    Hi, I am leaving shortly for CFB Edmonton for my QL-3 MSEOp summer training as PRes. I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations particular to CFB Edmonton or has recommendations for newbies to summer training on a CFB. Some particular questions I have: 1. Regarding packing your...
  5. J

    Driver Wheel Course: DDC

    Hi, I was just wondering what qualifications are necessary to drive MILCOTS. I will be away from the country for 6 weeks, and won't be able to participate in the full DWC, but my unit said if space is available, they will get me in for the DDC weekend. Does this put MILCOTS on my 404s? What...
  6. J

    LFWA Summer Training Schedule

    Was hoping to revive this topic in order to see if there has been any news on the status of a June reserve BMQ-Land course. I am hoping to get on a BMQ-L in June so that I can head off to do my QL3 in July-August right after. Thanks!
  7. J

    how can you switch to regular force, and how long does it usually take?

    I know of a MSEOps (transporter) Warrant Officer who just transferred into the reg force. I heard his transfer only took 4 months. Go to your BOR to request the transfer, or your chain of command. The speed of the above case is likely due to a demand for senior NCO MSEOps. This is just a...
  8. J

    Inquiry: Logistics Officer

    Hello all, A little about myself: I am currently a reservist  mobile support equipment operator (private). I have finished BMQ-C, and am hoping to complete both BMQ-L and QL3 this summer. I will be finishing my arts degree (major in philosophy) this coming May. I am intending to apply for...
  9. J

    Infantry Reserves DP1 [MERGED]

    Hi there, from what I understand from talking to infanteers on my BMQ, there will be one last round of courses being held this summer before the training plan changes (though this is still speculation), and if you miss it you will have to repeat certain material when doing your DP1. When I...
  10. J

    LFWA Summer Training Schedule

    Thank you for the quick responses!
  11. J

    LFWA Summer Training Schedule

    Hi all, I was wondering if there was a link on the LFWA site for tentative summer course dates.  Everything from my chain of command still seems to be rumors of dates, but I was wondering if there is somewhere that this information is posted straight from the LFWA training center? I was...