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  1. S

    BMOQ Sept 2010

    I don't have flight details yet either. Will be getting sworn in on Friday the 24th, so maybe they'll give them to us then.
  2. S

    BMOQ Sept 2010

    Looks like there might be a few of us from Victoria starting in St Jean on the 27th. Are you guys flying out Saturday morning (25th) as well?
  3. S

    BMOQ Sept 2010

  4. S

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    If you're set on pilot only then continuing your life is good advice. When I was first told to wait until next April I went back to school, which worked out well since it was another 2 years before I got my acceptance. Also talk to your recruiter about bringing up weaker parts of your...
  5. S

    BMOQ Sept 2010

    I'm on the BMOQ starting Sept 27th, fly out on the 25th.
  6. S

    Sept 27th 2010 BOTP

    I've been told over the phone that I'm probably on the Sep 27th as well, no official paperwork yet though.
  7. S

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Time to break out my first post as well. Got my unofficial offer for DEO today so am pretty excited!. I applied back in 2007 as well so it's been a long process, but definitely worth it. Looks like end of September St Jean so will see a few of you guys out there.... yah, pushups in the snow!