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  1. jackmomma

    Improved Combat Uniform

    A few guys in my reserve BMQ were issued them as well.
  2. jackmomma

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    I believe they transport you from FYA to your location for the first day but after that it's your responsibility to get there for the other training weekends and nights.
  3. jackmomma

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    I was told that I will be put into my serial on Friday. What unit are you going into? I'm swearing into the Lorne Scots tomorrow.
  4. jackmomma

    BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

    Just got the email today that my BMQ starts on the 31st of this month. Anyone else starting on the same date?  :salute:
  5. jackmomma

    Getting paperwork before turning 16?

    I went down to CFRC Toronto today. The age for primary reserves is in fact still 16 and 17 for regular.
  6. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Well i'll go once more in the spring break to see again.
  7. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Yeah ill just wait, i'm just confused that some people were able to enlist at 16.
  8. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    But what about this also off the website
  9. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Wow I am really getting fed up with this, everyone keeps saying 16 which i know is true but when I talk to somebody they tell me to go join the cadets.
  10. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    I talked to them today and they said there is no way of joining at 16, 17 is the legal age and they recommended I go to the cadets.
  11. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    I'm beyond confused I understand you need to be 17 to enlist but I have different people telling me all different things so I'm just going to have to wait till next week when I am able to go in to the recruiting centre to see what they have to say.
  12. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

      Yeah I'm going to head down to the recruiting office sometime next week and see if there's anyway I could at least start my processing now. I have no problem waiting I was just confused because I was told different things.
  13. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    yeah i hope i could get my processing done at least and to be honest i'm not sure if the guy even knew everything because he said there is no possible way to get into the forces until the age of 18 unless i do a high school coop program and i don't think thats true.
  14. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

      Well that sucks i was really looking forward to enlisting but i've been waiting for 6 years one mores not so bad.
  15. jackmomma

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    I've been interested in joining the army for a while so i wnt ahead and contacted a recrutiter, he said that you are able to join the reserves at 16 with parental consent but today my mom wanted more information about the reserves so she contacted a recruiter and he told her that you cannot join...