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  1. Josh_Robertson

    Putting on weight

    This page has a lot of information for putting on lean muscle. Both suggested work outs and nutrition information. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/steve-cook-muscle-building-program.html On another note I just started this (link below) work out and its one of the hardest things I've ever...
  2. Josh_Robertson

    Joining Reserves while working up north

    I filled out my application for ROTP online a several months back with the hope of attending RMC with my first choice to be trained as an Engineering Officer. So I was waiting to get an interview date, however no one ever contacted me regarding the next steps, even though I have left several...
  3. Josh_Robertson

    Joining Reserves while working up north

    I normally live about an hour away from the regiment I want to join, and my parents are currently in the process of moving even closer so for the summers and weekends when I came home (you usually work 3 weeks on 1 week off) I would be living fairly close it would just be while I was working on...
  4. Josh_Robertson

    Joining Reserves while working up north

    I have called to set up a meeting with a recruiter and am just waiting on a call back maybe he will know more, but theoretically I could use my weekends off to go parade once every three weeks then do training such as BMQ over the summer? Although that may turn into quite the ordeal to commute...
  5. Josh_Robertson

    Joining Reserves while working up north

    Hey, Wanted to start off by giving everyone a little back story, currently I have my application in for ROTP with my sights on an engineering trade. Now I would still like to follow that career path but I have been offered a job through a family friend, working in northern Alberta on the oil...
  6. Josh_Robertson

    Putting on weight

    I would say you aren't eating nearly enough, My current diet is this: Breakfast - 6 Eggs (2 whole 4 without the yokes), whole wheat toast and oatmeal if I can stomach it. Pre-workout - piece of fruit During workout - One scoop of Size On and 2 scoops of Hammer HEED...
  7. Josh_Robertson

    Storing Fire Arms During ROTP

    That is pretty reasonable, I live in small town BC though so the closest dealer is Vancouver. That's still an option though. I read somewhere that the Military will store personal belongings while you're doing BMQ ect. but that probably doesn't include firearms?
  8. Josh_Robertson

    Storing Fire Arms During ROTP

    Hey Guys, I am currently going through the process of applying to ROTP, however I have my restricted firearms license and own two rifles, a shotgun and a handgun. No one I know has their restricted license that can store the handgun for me and I think it would be a safe bet to guess there's no...
  9. Josh_Robertson

    Putting on weight

    I agree. The only guys I know who weigh that little are some of my friends who race mountain bikes and/or do cross country racing because they are so concerned about their power to weight ratio... I haven't weighed 150 since I was 14.
  10. Josh_Robertson

    Putting on weight

    Exactly my point haha. Sounds like we're on the same page.
  11. Josh_Robertson

    What's the food like on course? (BMQ, DP, ect...) [Merged]

    Been reading through some of this post, does anyone have experience bringing supplements with them? It's not that I cant go on a mission or something without them but if I'm in the gym training and working out I'm always making shakes to help maximize gains... I feel like this may be epically...
  12. Josh_Robertson

    Putting on weight

    Maybe I should clarify, I didn't say don't do chest and arms... what I meant was: there are guys I see in the gym every day I go who spend 99% of their time working their bis tris and pecs. Not only are they no bigger or stronger than myself in those areas, they ignore the rest of their body. If...
  13. Josh_Robertson

    Putting on weight

    I've gone from being 6'0 150lbs to 6'1 210lbs in about two years, I think the big thing is to keep on a strict routine. Mine is 2 lower and 2 upper body days a week, each workout takes about an hour depending if I'm super-setting or not. My usual rep count is 12,10,8 with the weight increasing...
  14. Josh_Robertson

    Your experiences.

    Hi all, Just want to start off with some background; I have been actively thinking about joining the CF for the last 2-3 years. Something about the armed forces has always interested me growing up, I don't know if it’s the idea of being part of something bigger than yourself, having a chance to...
  15. Josh_Robertson

    Carrying non military issue knives

    Some great advise here, and lots to take into consideration. Just wanted to mention I didn't have the intention of sounding like a rambo wanna be, I think a knife is a tool... and possibly one of your most important for civilian wood craft. But the multi tool comments are really helpful I hadn't...
  16. Josh_Robertson

    Carrying non military issue knives

    Hi, I'm currently waiting on hearing back about my application to RMC for September. And I have two questions: 1. I have a fairly extensive collection of knives, several that I have come to be very accustomed to from hunting, camping, hiking ect. will it be an issue if I bring a couple to RMC...