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  1. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    It turns out you were right on this, I found a job in the civilian market offering 10% of my tuition costs and $122k salary after school, maybe after a build a nice nest egg I'll look into direct entry.
  2. Hodr


    after the first 4 weeks, to you get any time to have a quick skype with your family? Say maybe a weekend where you can't set up a visit.
  3. Hodr


    I suppose, if the CF would start using Zombie targets for weapons training, I wouldn't even notice the lack of Gaming.... lol
  4. Hodr


    How is the computer withdrawal? lol That will be the toughest part for me....
  5. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    I have thought about that as well, but if you consider the fact you get job for 5 years afterwards, plus the chance to turn the BSc into an MSc later on in your military career, which will allow you more years or guaranteed work, it seems like a really good long term plan. Not even mentioning...
  6. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    From what I've seen, I can get a liveable 3 bedroom within 3km for $150k (info from mls Canada website), I can put about 100k into from the sale of my current house (Mostly my dad's equity so I can't use it to live off since I know some people will ask) that leaves me with 50k in a mortgage. I...
  7. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    I will be purchasing a house nearby with a small mortgage, so I wont be getting any help From CF for my living expenses, so I can legally accept the government payments. I was told I am allowed the assistance even if I'm not granted permission to live off of campus.
  8. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    Ballz, you are completely right. But programs I'm referring to are for living expenses, which would assist me in expenses for my Off campus home. As far as as I can tell that would not conflict with ROTP. If there is a fault in that plan, I would like to know, I'm far from finished this...
  9. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    Point taken, I have heard from 8 people (recruiters and people currently attending RMC) now that Privates in the reserves are being allowed to keep there Pte pay of 32k then 39k after the first year. If for some reason that falls through, all of the standard incentives and grants through the...
  10. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    PM sent
  11. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    That would be a major improvement to the situation, I have also gotten some other information today which would allow me a few more allowances that would make the ROTP option do-able for me, Sorry for those who I made angry today, but over all I have gotten the answers out of it I need to make...
  12. Hodr

    Recruiting event

    They were very knowledgeable in army as well, and I even got the answer I wanted from another thread, also reinforced by a similar PM I got from a member of this board.
  13. Hodr

    Recruiting event

    Yep, that's where I found out about it, I assume it is for all forces, but it does not mention either way.
  14. Hodr

    Recruiting event

    I'll find out in person and will let you know.
  15. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    I will look into it, thank you.
  16. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    lol, I mean in legitimate ways, not by breaking rules. I'm referring to loopholes put into place on purpose. 
  17. Hodr

    Recruiting event

    There is a recruiting event this weekend taking place on a naval vessel, but it does not say whether it pertains to all forces or just the navy. any insights?
  18. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    I will be speaking more with a recruiter. I mentioned the commitment thing just to counter the "Free" argument, but I am planning on a long term of service, I was just trying to find a way to make the transition into the military a little easier. My Wife is my Grandfather's care taker, so if...
  19. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    You are welcome.
  20. Hodr

    ROTP as a 2lt?

    Very mature.