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  1. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    Journeyman: If you would have bothered to read this thread, you'd realize that yes, I did mention more than money in this thread. More than once. And if I am talking about money a lot, well...umm...duh...this thread has "Pharmacist" and "payscale" in the title...but by all means...don't let...
  2. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    That was not my intent. I get paid nothing as it happens, as I am not a pharmacist. The only reason I brought up how much pharmacists can make on civvy street was not to knock the CF, just to show there might be some merit to a pharmacist payscale. I apologize if the tone came across poorly or...
  3. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    LOL. Poorly thought out and presented? You guys are starting to crack me up. I'd think you were trolling if I didn't know better. This isn't a formal presentation. I have an opinion, so do you. I don't find your little "presentation" particularly compelling either, for what it's worth. I guess...
  4. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    This type of attitude is what I find annoying. Dare to engage in some exchange of ideas and have a discussion about something and automatically "the CF isn't for you." Who said anything about an obligation to hire me or anyone else? That isn't what this was about. And if people shouldn't be...
  5. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    Take a breath? Haha, good advice. I apologize if I spoke out of turn. I have limited knowledge of the working of the CF and realize others know a good deal more...I was replying to both parts of what I thought medicineman was saying, but after Michael clarified I realized there was more to it...
  6. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    Was it obvious? From your previous post it didn't seem to be...
  7. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    Change happens all the time...depends on the current situation.
  8. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    I didn't make a big issue of it, actually. I just commented that the question wasn't directed to him. It's you and others who seem to have an issue that I dared to mention it in my reply. Don't like it? <shrugs> Right, cause we certainly can't have any discussion or debate on an online forum.  ::)
  9. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    ballz: You know lots of CAs that work for less than 100k? Sure you do. Anyone can claim anything on the internet. Perhaps accounting grads working towards their CA will make less than that....but I have my doubts lots of CAs are working for less than 70k. In any event, I don't care what you...
  10. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    dapaterson: 1) Good point. Shortages are relative. I have no idea how many current positions need to be filled. 2) Also a decent point, but pharmacist salaries don't really increase drastically with experience. So saying 105k with lots of experience probably doesn't bump you up that much from...
  11. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    Uhh...right. Anyway, the problem wasn't that he replied. It was that he took it upon himself to edit out part of my question that was directed to someone else and made a false assumption in the process. Can he answer it anyway? Sure...but he missed the entire point of what I was saying...to...
  12. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    Michael O'Leary: Ahh, ok. Thanks for the informative answer. I've found your posts particularly thoughtful and well-written. Milpoints inbound.
  13. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    I guess the point was just to have a discussion about it, but you're probably right that nothing terribly productive will come from it.
  14. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    You edited out the part of my post that led to the second question. IF pharmacists are moving to other positions, thus creating a shortage, why aren't adequate numbers of pharmacists being recruited to replace them? And IF hospital closures have lessened the demand for clinical pharmacy...
  15. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    Michael O'Leary: I know, and your points are well taken. My question was just asked with the hope that people might look at it and think: hmm...why is it difficult for the CF to maintain a desired number of pharmacists? What factors are relevant here? And in case my posts have been construed as...
  16. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    Not incorrect at all, Occam. You cannot be accepted into any Canadian pharmacy program without at least 1 year of university coursework, and often 2 or 3 (depends on the school).
  17. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    Occam: It's my understanding that you cannot "just come in off the street" into a ROTP pharmacy program. You must be accepted into a pharmacy school, and those schools require at least one and possibly two or three years of university before you are eligible to apply. At least one drug chain...
  18. R

    Pharmacy Officer

    I think pharmacists should be paid more. I suspect a major reason why the CF is finding it difficult to attract pharmacists is because they aren't paid comparably to their civilian counterparts. I also think the ROTP program is not very attractive to pharmacy students. How are you supposed to...