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  1. S

    What's next? (post-Afghanistan)

    Hi all, I know no one knows exactly what's going to happen when we pull all our troops out of afghanistan but I was just wondering if anyone had an idea what the forces mission will be once we're withdrawn from Afghanistan. Cheers
  2. S

    Joined the reserves! And now the tough part!

    I couldn't help but read that in a Bruce Buffer voice lol
  3. S

    Reserves or regular force?

    Nope. I'm currently in University as police foundations is not a requirement to become a police officer.
  4. S

    Reserves or regular force?

    Well I don't want a typical 9-5pm job and that's why I'm going into policing. However, I think the forces will provide me with great experiences and allow me to get some "life experience" to back up my education. The only reason I'm hesitant in joining the regular force is because I'm not sure...
  5. S

    Joining the reserve

    For those in the Naval reserves, can you post some things (both interesting and uninteresting) that you have done?
  6. S

    Reserves or regular force?

    I am aware of the difference between reserves and regular force, however, not entirely. I know that the reserves is a part-time position and there's no commitment. For the regular force, through the educational route, schooling is paid for and for every 1 month of subsidizedĀ  education, you're...
  7. S

    Reserves or regular force?

    Hey guys, Very first time to these forums so I apologize if I'm not posting in the right area and/or contributing to the redundancy of previous posts. Just looking for some advice. Note that IĀ  will also be going to my nearest recruiting centre once school is finished as well to get further...