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  1. C

    What's next? (post-Afghanistan)

    Here's what is going to happen for the Canadian ARMY after Afghanistan IMO.... NOTHING. It is going to be a long, dark and lonely contract for any soldier who has joined the regs or reserves at that time. UN Peacekeeping missions will never happen for us again because of impossible ROEs and...
  2. C

    Driver Positions in Afghanistan?

    I am a Infantry Cpl in the reserves and I just recieved my 404s for G-wagon, Milcot, LSVW and Blue fleet. Is there any need in KAF inside or outside the wire for any sort of drivers? I fear I may have missed all my opportunities to get myself over to Afghanistan and god knows when a reservist...
  3. C

    UN Driver Taskings

    Just wondering how it works with the Canadian U.N. observer postings with regards to driver taskings? Do the officers deployed drive themselves around in U.N. vehicles ( Toyota Landcruisers, Land Rovers etc), do they have local chauffeurs or are there taskings somewhere in the CF for drivers on...
  4. C

    Turmoil in Libya (2011) and post-Gaddafi blowback

    just a quick update, the French have sent in officers on the ground to Libya, other NATO countries to send officers as well.
  5. C

    Turmoil in Libya (2011) and post-Gaddafi blowback

    After reading this ---> http://www.presstv.ir/detail/167704.html I wondered what events would need to unfold to actually see U.N. peace keepers in Libya, more specifically, Canadian peace keepers. Assuming the Harper government is voted back in coupled with a Canadian Air Force General...