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Search results

  1. L

    Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

    To put in my  :2c:. I also plan to apply as a DEO when I finish my degree in history. I'm at Memorial University of Newfoundland and we don't have 3 year programs, just 4 years and an honors program which runs concurrently with your fourth year if you wish to do it and have above a 3.0 GPA. I...
  2. L

    List of recruitment numbers?

    I was just curious what the recruitment trend was like. Next year is my final year of university and I'd like to apply when I finish, but after reading these forums for the past few months it seems like there's many more people applying then there are positions available. Mostly I was just...
  3. L

    List of recruitment numbers?

    Before posting this I did a search, but to be honest I have no idea what to search for... Is there anyway to find out how many people were recruited for each trade (including officers) each year, or fiscal year if that's how it's done? I'm sure the numbers are out there somewhere, just not sure...
  4. L

    Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

    Hello, this is my first post, but i've been reading things on these message boards for a few months now. I'm a year from graduating from a civilian university and planning on applying as a DEO officer (I'd like either Armour or Artillery). My major is military history and my minor is psychology...