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  1. L

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    Good insight, and rest assured I will :) helps that I have the insight and a reference now.
  2. L

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    I've been looking for that reference forever, you have no idea lol.
  3. L

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    Damn you're good, and fast. Thank You
  4. L

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    There is a reference for this and what I remember it's either "Officer Cadet, or Sir/Ma'am" is acceptable. Same thing with salutes: mbrs do not typically salute Cadets being subordinate officers, however they may salute if desired and you will return it. Although I'm sure most have their own...
  5. L

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    All good input, thank you. It's always been a big questions mark in terms of the official way to do things. But I agree with ModlrMike in the sense that the respect is starting to slip with the newer generations and I feel most of it is due to some superiors lax attitude towards it. if I don't...
  6. L

    Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

    Hello, New here to the forums, so I apologize if this has been covered before. Here is my Issue. I've been in the Cf for almost 17 years as an NCM and Officer. I remember that as a junior that you always addressed your MWO, CWO, Officer superiors as either Sir or Ma'am. Over the last decade or...
  7. L

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    That's a pretty helpful answer. You must work at a recruiting centre! So by "every trade in CF" do you mean MP's and musicians as well? Since they get their CPL's after basic, or Pharmacists and Doctor's who usually go right to Captain and Major?.... but I'm sure you knew that. ;) Can someone...
  8. L

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    Hello everyone, I've noticed that Aesop is now accepting recruits off the street. joy lol So how is the ranking system going to work with those recruits? considering it use to be CPL's only through VOT. Thanks L.G former Artillery 021, AVS 526 and now UTPNCM cadet in halifax.