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Search results

  1. I

    Tattoo after Interview.

    There probably would have been more prudent places to put it rather than on your forearm..
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    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Odd.. I live in Alberta and the EMS system works differently. There is EMR (which I just finished), that was a 3 month course. There is EMT, which to my understanding, is on par with primary care paramedic level 1; that is a 10 month course at SAIT and a 6 month course at some other...
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    When will the CF be hiring again?

    I believe it means that if anyone drops out then you'll be the first choice to replace that person. Of course I could be thinking of something else entirely. Good luck.
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    Need Advice

    Yes I used the search button, but to no avail. I'm applying to be a med tech in the army. Here's my situation: I recently took an EMR course at SAIT as a way to become more competitive for the med tech trade, I completed the course with a 95% grade. The issue I face is the ACP (Alberta College...
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    When will the CF be hiring again?

    Any chance this Libya fiasco is going to up recruiting?
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    Putting on weight

    New York steaks are one of the cheaper cuts at my butcher. I actually just finished eating one, which I unfortunately overcooked >.< I supposed bison would also be a good choice if you're looking for lean red meat; I haven't really looked at the prices but I'm pretty sure its around the same as...
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    Putting on weight

    New York steaks have always been easier for me to cook; they're all the same thickness. Whereas sirloin varies to much.. I'm no cook so I stick to what's simple for me. Don't get me wrong; sirloin is a bloody gift from the gods, but I prefer it to be cooked by someone who knows what they're...
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    Putting on weight

    I used to weigh 115 pounds at 6"0, I'm now at 170ish and gaining; this is what I've been doing: Train using the 5x5 workout (5 sets of 5 reps) on the bench press, squat, and deadlift. Once you can lift a weight for the full 25 reps for 2 consecutive workouts add another 10 pounds on. Don't...
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    Medical Technician Question

    I talked to a recruiter over the phone the other day about becoming a Med Tech, he told me I needed Bio 30 and another 30 level science as well as math. I only have Applied Math 20 and he said that was fine.
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    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Hey, this is my first time posting on this site. I recently sent in an online application to become a Med Tech in the Army and my question is what am I up against competition-wise. I've been working towards Med Tech since 2009; I moved back home so I could get my Chem and Bio 30, received my...