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  1. Shiggalowe


    They pretty much serve whatever you can think of. When on course you`ll eat at the times designated by your course staff and on courses like BMQ or Infantry DP1 food in the shacks is a strict no-no. Off course the mess is opened at designated times for meals and then closes down to let the staff...
  2. Shiggalowe

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    I don't think I was on the list for very long, I'd have to say three, maybe four weeks. However, there's no sure fire way to know how long you're going to be sitting on the list. Some people can spend years waiting for a call, while others land one in just a few months. There's a number of...
  3. Shiggalowe

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Well, I feel silly for even considering it then. I guess it's a good thing I left the bruins jersey hanging up and wore a nice dress shirt Edit: I already took my CFAT, doy 
  4. Shiggalowe

    waiting time

    You're making mountains out of molehills here man, you're not the only person in the country who submitted an application for the CF this year so they have to process everyone else too. If you're this impatient then you'll have to take some incentive, call just to get an update and ask if they...
  5. Shiggalowe

    July 14th 2012 BMQ - Who else is going?

    I'll be on the BMQ course starting July 16th as well. Swearing in on the 11th and flying out from Calgary on the 14th. Congrats Ryae on making Infantry Soldier! That was my primary trade once upon a time, before I got stamped with V4 vision  ( >:( Damn eyes, ain't good fer nuthin haha) All for...
  6. Shiggalowe

    Questions about recruiting process

    100% agree with this post. When I started the recruiting process I wasn't too keen on asking questions for fear of sounding like a fool. Trust me though, you can save yourself a ton of headaches and worries by sucking it up and just asking. Chances are it's a question they've heard asked before...
  7. Shiggalowe

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Thanks Donny! Haha I guess they must have got caught up with things and I kind of got swept up under the rug in a sense. I'm really stoked to start training (though I'll be missing my sister's wedding, bummer  :-\, but she understands) and amped up for getting past all the hurdles I didn't...
  8. Shiggalowe


    Can't help very much here but found this with a quick trip over to forces.ca, If you haven't already I would recommend using the job browser and sifting through the information there. http://forces.ca/en/page/payscales-131#officersregular-1
  9. Shiggalowe

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I called CFRC Calgary today and was offered a position and took it without a moments hesitation! Never found out when I was merit listed but I would assume it was late May early June Recruiting Center: CFRC Calgary Regular/Reserve: Reg Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: ACISS Trade Choice 2...
  10. Shiggalowe

    Combat Engineer Question

    As folks much wiser than I have already said, wait until you're done with highschool because the CF doesn't seem like it's going to disappear any time soon. Personally if I could go back to when I was in school I would have looked into a reserve unit to test the waters of army life at the very...
  11. Shiggalowe

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: CFRC Calgary Regular/Reserve: Reg Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: ACISS Trade Choice 2: Infantry Soldier ( V4, not qualified) Trade Choice 3: Armoured Soldier (V4, not qualified) Application Date: Early March 2012 First Contacted: March 28, 2012 CFAT completed : April 11...