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  1. W

    Uniform question

    I was wondering if as a member of the armed forces of canada we have the right to wear our uniform (not the combat one but the real classy one with the tie and coat) outside of military parade or official events? Not that i want to go shop at wal mart with mine but i know it would make my family...
  2. W

    Little Navy question

    Thanks for the answers. It's not just about money the job look really interesting and i love seeing different places. I was just curious. How many months does a Boatswain spend on a ship in the sea during a year? (on average)
  3. W

    Little Navy question

    I don't know if i can ask a question about the Navy here but i'll take a chance. Today i went to the recruiting office and the recruiting officer told me it paid more in the Navy because you spend 6 months a year in sea so when your are there you dont pay for food and it's really hard to spend...
  4. W

    References Superthread [Merged]

    these are the 5 references i was thinking about using i would like to know if there good or not. 1. former job supervisor ( i worked there for 9 months in 2009) 2. former personal trainer 3. former wrestling coach 4. Former high school football coach (provincial police officer) for the fifth...
  5. W

    Some question about enlisting?

    I was looking at the salary chart for NCM and it goes from 2663 to 3256 to 3991 a month for privates.  I was just wondering on average (cuz it probably change from person to person) how long it takes to go up the salary chart.
  6. W

    Lodging on the base?

    Thx for the information guys but its private room?? can you get your own internet/cable/phone connexion and stuff like you will if you rent a room in a civilian room place. and about the food can you not pay to get your meals and cook your own stuff??
  7. W

    Lodging on the base?

    Hi I got a question how does it work as far as lodging on the base when your single ? I looked at forces.ca but it only tell price for families. I'm wondering about the price and also what type of appartement\room you can get. Thx you
  8. W

    Some question about enlisting?

    I was wondering if the contract of engagement for a weapon tech is 3 years?? or longer thx you
  9. W

    Some question about enlisting?

    Sorry i didnt know im new to the forum. Thx i'll go check it out.
  10. W

    Some question about enlisting?

    Im planning in enlisting as a weapons technician but i got some questions. 1- Do they hire you if you dont actually have a job? (lost my job few weeks ago) 2- How about the credit chek they do, is it really strict like if you got a bad credit you sure not     to be chosen. 3- They ask for 5...