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  1. S

    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

    Right, as I said it is only that individual's opinion. But he was not the only member who shared that opinion. While what you say is true I'd have to agree with the idea that CSOR is a good "gut check" for JTF2 seeing as many of the attributes and abilities that would make you succeed in CSOR...
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    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

    In regards to what I wrote earlier it wasn't hearsay or coming from a friend of a friend. It was from the living, breathing, mythical creature known as an assaulter. Yes they exist and yes that's what he personally told me.
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    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

    Having personally spoken with an assaulter recently I've come to understand that CSOR is a stepping stone. While it may only be the individual's opinion, he did say that JTF2 recruiting exclusively from CSOR in the future is a good idea. In his own words CSOR is an awesome gut check for JTF2...
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    PTSD Thread

    Not sure if this has been posted already but it's relevant to the thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnIjot9Wi9c
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    Canadian Invisibility Cloak

    Pretty sure it's legit: http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=826557&playlistId=1.1078818&binId=1.811536
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    Canadian Invisibility Cloak

    Haha I see what you did there... Or wait, did I?
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    Canadian Invisibility Cloak

    Anyone seen this already? Pretty awesome. Wonder if certain units have/will acquire.
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    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

    Scortch, have you considered CSOR? I know you mentioned you're not even sure if you want to apply for the hill to begin with, but why not go for CSOR if you want to work under CANSOF? What I can say for those interested is that after speaking to the CSOR recruiters I found out that reservists...
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    North Korea (Superthread)

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2013/mar/09/north-korean-soldiers-american-video Gotta love the officer's camouflage..
  10. S

    Is anyone Watching Sons Of Anarchy?

    Agreed with Dolphin_Hunter as well. The simple ones that just say SAMCRO are best. Big fan of the show myself.
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    North Korea (Superthread)

    Surprised this isn't getting more attention.
  12. S

    Infantry fit?

    Strictly from a physical standpoint I'd say you're at a good place. People I completed BIQ with were definitely below your numbers and even though they struggled they did make it in the end. However, never settle for being mediocre and always work to improve yourself physically, especially in...
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    I am a 22 y/o guy and want to join reseves. Am i healthy enough to be accepted?

    My physiotherapist told me the only semi-permanent way to alleviate the problem is to forcefully break up the scar tissue which is pretty painful but worked for me. I wear orthotics for flat feet too and I only get the pain in one leg as well, that's perfectly normal. The difference with me is I...
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    I am a 22 y/o guy and want to join reseves. Am i healthy enough to be accepted?

    About your ITBS, I had the same thing going into basic. I was able to get a medical chit for long distance runs because that's when it kicked in. Also, go to physio for it. My physiotherapist would basically dig his elbows into my IT band to break up the scar tissue. Sucked big time but within...
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    What book are you reading now?

    Chosen Soldier: The Making of a Special Forces Warrior by Dick Couch. Very well written and hard to put down; I'm about 1/3 done.
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    When Will the RESERVE INFANTRY trade re open ?

    Brace yourself for a lengthy waiting game. "Getting in" within four months is a very rare best-case scenario.
  17. S

    BMQ-L Training Dates, 2012

    I'm in the exact same situation and have the same question. In terms of where it will be, if you live in southern Ontario like me then it will most likely be at Meaford. Hopefully we'll be able to get both courses done this summer and if anyone here knows any info or dates it would be great to...
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    Reserves application: Getting the run around

    I applied at the local CFRC and the reserve unit. The reserve unit were the ones who called me back with a spot based on the waiting list I signed up for with them and I never heard from the CFRC. Best bet is to go directly to the reserve unit (preferably in person to sign up for their waiting...
  19. S

    Merging SQ and DP1 (infantry reserve)

    Excuse my ignorance but I'm still a little confused and would appreciate clarification given that I will be doing that training this summer. From what I understand, instead of BMQ-L followed by DP1 it will now be a single course 65 days long? Is that 65 days total or 65 training days as the...