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  1. S

    Bayonet obsolete? Not yet, apparently -

    I typed something out, but it's just what-ifs to counter your what-ifs, which you'll just what-if back, which makes it a what-if argument that's probably just a re-hash of what's already been said.
  2. S

    Looking for a medium sized bag (between a daybag and a rucksack).

    Anyone use an American MOLLE II ruck?
  3. S

    Bayonet obsolete? Not yet, apparently -

    Close enough.  ;D Meh.  His argument is good in that it justifies the issuing of an ASP.  It falls short of convincing me to remove the bayonet. They'll get rid of it, things will change, some other war will start up with a different set of variables and people will see a need for it, or they...
  4. S

    Bayonet obsolete? Not yet, apparently -

    I'd like to smash someone with a manpack. It would be if it was already fixed. To the point, I'm not suggesting that we should all run around doing bayonet charges.  It's more that it's nice to have options, and while in certain tactical situations the bayonet may not be the greatest option...
  5. S

    Bayonet obsolete? Not yet, apparently -

    Quitter. He'd be a dumbass for bringing a bayonet to a PKM fight. And how did the bitch slap, MNVG mount or the canteen cup idea work out?
  6. S

    Bayonet obsolete? Not yet, apparently -

    And what happens when you're at war, in battle, and everything that can go wrong does go wrong?
  7. S

    Bayonet obsolete? Not yet, apparently -

    My appologies.  What I said made sense as I typed it, however reading it later in the day it's pretty obvious that I should've worded things different. Basically, Petamocto is on the same page. I think that judging the bayonets applicability to modern warfare based on TTPs and experience...
  8. S

    Bayonet obsolete? Not yet, apparently -

    Judging the bayonet's applicability to modern warfare based on it's limited use when killing out gunned savages is short sighted.  Should two well trained and well equipped first world armies go toe to toe in a real effort to defeat each other through superior violence we'll see how fast...
  9. S

    Looking for a medium sized bag (between a daybag and a rucksack).

    I have an AR one, but I don't think it'll fool the fun police when everyone else is wearing green.
  10. S

    New Rucksack

    After messing about with mine for the past couple of days I'm going to see if I can exchange mine for a shorter frame.
  11. S

    Looking for a medium sized bag (between a daybag and a rucksack).

    Looks like the CF was trying to copy some of Kifaru's concepts when they designed the new ruck. Too bad they failed to understand the details.  That Kifaru stuff looks really high speed, and by high speed I mean simple.  Too bad it doesn't come in CADPAT; it'd make slipping in under the radar...
  12. S

    New Rucksack

    Seems to me that the design of this ruck failed to take into consideration it'd be used by soldiers......
  13. S

    Wrist Watch Recommendations - Merged Thread

    I use a carabiener watch I found at Marks Work Warehouse for $20.  It's analogue with glow in the dark markings that actually work reasonably good.  Also comes with a red or blue LED flashlight.  I hang it off whatever's handy, and it's easier than digging between gloves and cuffs to get at my...
  14. S

    New Rucksack

    That's what I found.  I kind of liked it at first, then I loaded it with kit.  Radio, spare btys, 48hrs rats, water and double frontline with minimal sleep and snivel kit put the ruck over it's limit for comfort, cut up my hips and the load in relation to the harness was so ackward it made...
  15. S

    Looking for a medium sized bag (between a daybag and a rucksack).

    After a quick look through the website that BVS system makes a lot of sense.  It's tempting to just get the frame and use it as the basis for a modular ruck.
  16. S

    New Rucksack

    Isn't that what they did this time around?
  17. S

    Looking for a medium sized bag (between a daybag and a rucksack).

    I'm looking for a medium sized bag.  Something that's between a daybag and rucksack in terms of capacity, as well as easy to get a radio in and out of without too much hassle.  Jives well with body armour is a must, as is a decent waist belt.  Would be nice if it had or could be rigged with a...
  18. S

    New Rucksack

    The new ruck sucks. I could list all the reasons why, but they've already been covered in this thread. I spent this last weekend trying to gerry-rig my (cracked) 64 frame back together. The army would do well if it stopped hiring civvies to re-invent the wheel for us....