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  1. D

    Myopia and Glasses

    I've read every part of the folder just when reading the topics on people saying they have bad vision and couldn't get V3+ I got uneasy a bit and that part in the booklet flew over my head. Just wanted to clear that up so I don't look like a complete moron. :P
  2. D

    Myopia and Glasses

    Thank god. I thought you had to get V3 or better without glasses. With them I'm like perfect vision. Sorry for bringing it back up, I just couldn't find that exact topic anywhere but now that it's been clarified I'll go my own way. Thanks much.
  3. D

    Myopia and Glasses

    Sorry, haha. Was in a bit of a rush. I'm usually more organized than that. I actually meant V3 rather then V5 for the minimum requirements for infantry so my bad. And in response to there being no magic eye workout to cure all vision, I know that, but currently I'm using...
  4. D

    Myopia and Glasses

    Hey everyone. I've recently joined and reading a lot of the helpful topics to help me upon joining the army yet there was one I couldn't find, whether you needed V5 vision without glasses for Infantry or not. I know anything below that, you won't be able to qualify and I don't wear glasses, just...
  5. D

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    No worries. I assumed it'd be around that time as well and I'm down for waiting that long. Infantry is what I want to do the most, I don't want any other position in the army. In the mean time, I'll keep on training so I can perfect each and every part of the application rather then getting any...
  6. D

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: CFRC Victoria Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Trade Choice 2: N/A Trade Choice 3: N/A Application Date: TBA First Contacted: TBA References contacted: TBA CFAT completed : TBA Medical completed: TBA Interview completed: TBA Physical...