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  1. D

    PRETC in Borden

    I know there is a ton of stuff on this but most of it is old and I don't have time to scroll through it all as I'm at basis right now...my question is I am posted to borden.and am going on PRETC...when I report this weekend will I have to stay on base or will I be able to report and leave for...
  2. D

    MP Trade Openings

    To add to what precept posted i too have heard they need atleast 100 mps...as for the trade being open and things moving along i got a job offer today! leaving on saturday for BMQ...so just keep waiting your time will come i waited just over a year from start to finish...best of luck
  3. D

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Been posting on here for almost a year now and I'm glad to finally say that I got the call today to attend the MPAC march 5-7! Such a great call to wake up to, anyone else on here attending on those dates? Congrats to all of those who just got job offers!
  4. D

    Anyone have an open file right now?

    Did you get word that armoured is open? I ask because I applied for a different trade a year ago (qualified for all trades NCM and Officer) and armoured is my second choice and when i was at the CFRC not even a month ago they said it was still closed...just curious if they said any different to you
  5. D

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Re-ac-tor, to touch on what was said above I'd say 95% of the people posting on this board have been told exactly what you're being told, the guys getting hired now and going through MPACS have paid those dues, talk to some of them individually and most of the time they were once in your and...
  6. D

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    anyone heard anything more about the mpacs that might be happening in the next 2 months? just got off the phone with my file manager and he said no word has been passed on to him about any for the rest of the year, said selections from the last mpac were still on going and nothing will happen...
  7. D

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Haven't been on here in a bit but I'm glad to read there are more mpacs this year...last time I called in my file manager wasn't sure if there would be because he was told they were basically st their numbers this year...guess he'll be getting a call tomorrow
  8. D

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Just got off the phone with my file manager and he told me the course has been loaded...and that I wasn't selected this time around...told me my file looked good and that i'm still merit listed and that it was really competitive this time around...nxt date is november/December...hope this helpsĀ 
  9. D

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    I've been told June 1 a few times by my file manager and that's about all he could tell me other than they haven't forgotten about me and that I should be getting a call when its time
  10. D

    MPAC in April/ 2010

    Well congrats on getting sent...on the other hand it frustrates the hell out of me that there is so much of a run around to get a straight answer and that every recruiter says something differnt...on that note I know a file manager who will be getting a call on Monday lol
  11. D

    MPAC in April/ 2010

    Mp_bound my file was merit listed as well about 3 weeks ago and the earliest the Cpl said I would hear was April 19th
  12. D

    MPAC in April/ 2010

    I talked to my file manager yesterday (second time this month) and he informed me that there won't be an mpac end of march or April......He said that the next one is in june which if it's true sucks!! Anyone talk to anyone recently about this? This wouldn't be the first time that I have been...
  13. D

    MPAC in April/ 2010

    Did they tell you that? or did they simply mention that there may be one in April? they made me do test/interview/medical in one day to get me ready for mpac in early Feb. than froze all applications...so anything can happen man. just becasuse its done doesnt mean your going..there are people on...
  14. D

    MPAC October 19th/ 2009

    Thanks...that was my only question regarding what goes on at mpac the rest I figure will be disclosed If I get a call.....last question..say you pas the mpac or mpoac and are selected to go to bmq do you go within weeks or are we talking months?
  15. D

    MPAC October 19th/ 2009

    just got off the phone with my file manager....told me that i have been merit listed and like the above post the next date for MPAC is the end of march (he strongly expressed that it was still tentative and that the next one on his calender was set for june) but march is much better...just a few...
  16. D

    MPAC October 19th/ 2009

    My advice is to go see a recruiter or start calling them to find out some information...I went to ask the same thing today (my file isn't finalised yet)but the office was closed today
  17. D

    MPAC October 19th/ 2009

    I'm just going by what the recruiter told me they were informed to tell everyone and I thought I'd give a heads up to people waiting like myself
  18. D

    MPAC October 19th/ 2009

    Also he told me there is a complete freeze on hiring and no mpac in Feb anywhere from anyone. Anyone else getting this?
  19. D

    MPAC October 19th/ 2009

    Jist got off the phone with a recruiter seems that they have reached their target for MPs this year and won't be taking anymore until April 1st which means the waiting continues for me I guess. Anyone else heard anything?
  20. D

    MPAC October 19th/ 2009

    Haha one of those stories eh well when you can tell it I'd be more than happy to read it. But since you're in the loop what else can you divulge about the upcoming mpac?