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Search results

  1. CyberJonesy

    Math for signals

    I just finished the "orientation" week at the C&E unit and I was given a math review kit for the POET course. All the stuff in there is basically Maths 436 (Thats what its called in Quebec dunno about other provinces). They only gave the books to the LCIS guys but the reason I'm bringing this...
  2. CyberJonesy

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    Here's my 2 cents. I just finished BMQ at St-Jean 2 weeks ago. I HIGHLY suggest going to cpgear.com and get yourself an order on a nametag, flap and a  :cdn: shoulder flag because St-Jean sent us to our new units without those and guess what, the QM here (Kingston, can't talk for other bases)...
  3. CyberJonesy

    The Haiti Super Thread- Merged

    For those who would like to provide assistance, I think the Canadian redcross is the best humanitarian organization to donate to. Here's the link: https://www.paypaq.com/redcross/new/index.php I wished I could be there to help those people but I can't so I have made a donation instead. And...
  4. CyberJonesy

    QMB le 1er Février

    Bienvenu dans gang :) Moi aussi on m'avais dit que le cours commencais le 1er Fev mais à l'assermentation on nous à dit que la date a changer pour le 30 Jan avant 18h00 allors on se voit le 30 je crois  :threat:
  5. CyberJonesy

    BMQ security clearance

    Hey guys, I was sworn in just this week and am currently filling out the Security clearance form but I'm puzzled at section I. Do I have to list the Canadian Forces as my employer for the most recent entry up til now or do I have to list the last employer that I had until my enrollment? And...
  6. CyberJonesy

    Future Armour

    Thanks for the answer George. I like your signature, too  :salute:
  7. CyberJonesy

    Future Armour

    Could the Army use RC vehicles as decoys for IED attacks? I know this may sound silly but has the Armry ever considered using a remote controlled vehicle in pair with their current vehicles? For example: Placing 2 drivers inside 1 vehicle. 1 of them drives the actual vehicle and follows the...