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  1. DaveyOldNavy


    HAI! Pvt Dave here just wanted to ask a few questions, now what are the requirements to be an officer? because the thought occurred to me today thinking..Huh, why didn't i be an officer instead? i was uninformed about the requirements to become and officer. such as you need your grade 12 or...
  2. DaveyOldNavy

    November 2009 BMQ

    AWW DUDE! this sucks! lol i've been talking to ppl about nov 23rd BMQ (thats when i start) and there has been no one that i have met that is in artillery.....TT_TT, am i the ONLY one? LOL
  3. DaveyOldNavy

    Progression into my career

    HAI! I just gotta a couple of questions regarding my education with the Canadian forces. Now for instance, say in 3 years i feel like becoming a officer, but i am already a non commissioned member, is there anyway that i can go get my education while I'm still in the forces so i may be able to...
  4. DaveyOldNavy

    how does applying online differ?

    applying online vs applying in person at a CFRC isn't much different, I myself applied online and i got an email from one of the recruiters roughly two days later saying that i need to fill out the REAL application then just fax it to them. i did that then i was scheduled for my aptitude test...
  5. DaveyOldNavy

    November 2009 BMQ

    YAY i start on the 23rd TOO!! ;D
  6. DaveyOldNavy

    Just got called!!

    DUDE! YOU USED TO WORK FOR HP???  :D thats awesome! im an A+ certified geek squad technician myself acutally lol and yea to answer your earlier question im in artillery and i get fly out to st jean on the 21st of november and my course starts the 23rd of november...when do you start? if you...
  7. DaveyOldNavy

    Just got called!!

    hey happybikers, im in the army and with the artillery full time, i applied in Calgary AB and i live in central portion on alberta, it took only 4 weeks for them to call me since i had completed everything. so good luck to you! :D
  8. DaveyOldNavy

    Just got called!!

    thank you! ;D ;D
  9. DaveyOldNavy

    Just got called!!

    Hey everyone! just wanted to say I GOT THE CALL THIS MORNING AND I ACCEPTED! I get sworn in on NOV 17Th, and i leave for St Jean on NOV 21st! Words can't express how happy i am right now. Also I'm just wondering is there anyone else out there who starts BMQ on the 23rd? Anyway let me just say...
  10. DaveyOldNavy

    Just got called!!

    uhhh hey just wanted to say......GOT THE CALL!!! this morning! ;D WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!
  11. DaveyOldNavy

    Just got called!!

    Hey Congrats man! ;D, i just gotta quick question for ya. when did you get everything finished? (your apptitude test, medical and your interveiw) im just wondering because i am currently waititng for the call myself. but i just wanted a reference for how long it will take for me. i completed...
  12. DaveyOldNavy

    Strange Application

    Hi again this is Dave, Now I'm not to sure about some things that have happend in my Medical and my Interview. First off, During my medical i was never issued a urine test...i was a little suspicious about this. why wouldn't they give me a urine test? I'm only 17 and i do know for a fact that...
  13. DaveyOldNavy

    Application Process plz help

    Hi y'all! i was just wondering, i am currently waiting for my military application to be completed. now i have already finished my aptitude test, my medical and my interview. Currently my file is in Ottawa getting check out by a Medical officer and they should be sending it back to the CFRC...
  14. DaveyOldNavy

    September 2009 BMQ

    dude you gotta let me know how long did it take for your application to go through? because i am just waiting for my file to be sent back from Ottawa then the CFRC will call me. how long did that take for you?..im just wondering because im getting really tense lol THANX! Dave