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  1. wrivers

    Reserve Training- Signals O. Communcations reserve

    Hello,   I am intrested in applying for this position, as I am taking Computer Science and I feel that the work they do would greatly benfit my future aspirations and it is also something that I would enjoy doing. I am looking for adive or information on the training involoved and what you would...
  2. wrivers

    Toronto Reserves

    Thanks for all of the replys everyone, just have one more question, i was intrested in the trade of signals officer, would this position only be avail at the communication unit or any ?
  3. wrivers

    Toronto Reserves

    Hello,       Wondering if anyone knows if any of the Toronto reserves were hiring, if not when the new positions or billets usually come available ?
  4. wrivers

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Hey,       I am also waiting for this NOAB since I missed the last one
  5. wrivers

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    I have a question why are these questions done using imperial numbers, is this what the military still uses
  6. wrivers

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Well I called in,doesnt look like i am on the list, but i am still holding out that maybe i will get put on there !
  7. wrivers

    MARS Officers at Sea

    What is the usauall time away from home, when i read up on this it said the average time away is 3 months,
  8. wrivers

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Well the military has certain vision classes and i know that you can have impaired vision but mine was really bad -6.0, so i think the only thing i would medically able to do was MP, admin jobs , laywer
  9. wrivers

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Hey Guys,               I am going for mars ceotp as well and i saw some of you are doing this as well. I have asked my recruiter and the online help at forces.ca they dont seem to be much help. How does it exactly work, where are you getting your diploma from and do current credits at your uni...