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Search results

  1. reds

    Post-secondary education and joining reserve

    Thank you Otis. There is a need to apologise however. I don't like being disrespectful. Yes, your response was a bit...tense, but as mentioned it's understandable since you likely have to reiterate the same monotonous lines. The idea was not to get told what I can do with my degree. That's...
  2. reds

    Post-secondary education and joining reserve

    Well -- don't I feel silly and respectfully apologise. I should have checked Otis' profile indeed. Well I guess it's too late to apologise, else my response would have been a lot less direct. Listen, I understand you fine gentlemen get a *lot* of bull on the forums. I didn't intend to be...
  3. reds

    Legal Officer Recruiting [Merged]

    Hmmm, legal careers in the military could be interesting! I had a question to post but I had it answered elsewhere. Cheers.
  4. reds

    Post-secondary education and joining reserve

    What are these forums for but to respond to queries from potential candidates. I've parsed the trades list and have a sense of my options. Is it such a bad thing to post on the forums and ask for advice from, what I was hoping, would be people who might be in a similar situation? You seem to...
  5. reds

    Military cyber defense

    Haha. Thanks Neo. Yup, I'm aware of the China/Russia attacks. Very intense. I guess that points to the start of future information wars. Scary (but cool) stuff. Hopefully our military is prepared for it.
  6. reds

    Post-secondary education and joining reserve

    Ahhh, I see. Interesting. Yeah, I realised that I can apply for both. I think I really need to sit down and understand the two different paths both in regards to timing and future directions. Thanks for the help Larkvall. The question is still...what could I potentially apply my polisci degree...
  7. reds

    Military cyber defense

    Hmmm. I'm definitely learning a lot guys. It's very fascinating. The question is...how does one get into this type of cyber defense work? On a more theoretical (legal/political) level, when attacks are made on Canadian networks it's not as if the military has any muscle to strike back. Which...
  8. reds

    Post-secondary education and joining reserve

    It sounds like I should be applying for Officer, though quite honestly I'm not sure. This is something to discuss for the recruiter of course. By the way I'm trying for reserve forces. RMS course? Note that I'm still a part-time student and run my own freelance development business. I'll likely...
  9. reds

    Military cyber defense

    Campbell: If I came off as being overly opinionated or even pugnacious, it's definitely not intended. You should assume my opinion comes from a civilian perspective, which admittedly may be ill-informed. In which case either ignore or inform meĀ  :P ::) As for Vanguard, I don't necessarily take...
  10. reds

    Post-secondary education and joining reserve

    That wasn't the point of the thread, but yeah obviously it wont. Heh sorry, I realised that was an unnecessary thing to add, but what I was getting at is if one is competing for a more difficult trade...I assume it would be included as a positive aspect for the applicant. Bah whatever, I'm...
  11. reds

    Military cyber defense

    Oh cool. The source you provided me with allowed me to dig deeper into the government website. I saw the term "Electronic Warfare" in the CFNOC mandate and stumbled upon: http://www.img.forces.gc.ca/org/cfi-goi/cfewc-cgefc-eng.asp Check this out: "CFEWC is mandated with the maintenance and...
  12. reds

    Military cyber defense

    Hey, I'm extremely fascinated with all things internet related and was wondering if the CF has anything similar to the US Airforce Cyber Defense. For that matter, does the Canadian military have any involvement with network maintenance, sustainability, protection of government systems? My...
  13. reds

    Post-secondary education and joining reserve

    Hi there, I'm wondering how (and if) my Political Science training (UofT honour specialist) could help me in any specific trades in CF. I'm also completing a major in computer science in the next year or two (part-time). That would obviously lead me into more technical trades, perhaps SigOps...
  14. reds

    Eye surgery (non-laser)

    Thanks for that extra detail. I'm going to pass it along to the recruiter who may or may not know these specific details. I just got off the phone - got transferred about a million times to speak to a PA who answered a lot of my questions. He seems to think that it really depends on the trade...
  15. reds

    Eye surgery (non-laser)

    I'm stunned and saddened. I dug around on the CF website a bit longer and read through most of the medical material. I found this document: http://www.forces.gc.ca/health-sante/pd/cfp-pfc-154/CH-3-eng.asp "Visual acuity and refractive standards refer to the eye in its normal physiological...
  16. reds

    Eye surgery (non-laser)

    Hey there, I searched around for similar topics, but didn't find much detail. I used to wear glasses with an extremely low prescription. Four years ago I had radial keratotamy - a procedure similar to laser eye surgery but without the extra side-effects of blurriness, night spots etc. There is...
  17. reds

    Travel experience in 10 years on the DND application form

    That all makes sense, of course Otis. The good news is the only really exotic place we visited was Tunisia (northern Africa) for two days. I guess this is a concern for most applicants because they don't want to seem dishonest in the application process. So there's a slight bit of paranoia in...
  18. reds

    Travel experience in 10 years on the DND application form

    Thanks George and InLine052. That's what I figured about the cruise aspect of things, listing them as one item made more sense that individual details. I'm filling out the DND Personal Data Verification Form which doesn't state anything about scheduled countries, so I assumed I'd have to list...
  19. reds

    Travel experience in 10 years on the DND application form

    What do you mean by scheduled country? I did a majority of the detailing last night - soooo tedious. I went on two cruises during that time and visited 3-4 countries at once. I'm wondering if I should detail this, even if we stopped for only a day. Or I could just record where we landed and...
  20. reds

    Travel experience in 10 years on the DND application form

    Hello, I've collected all the necessary recruitment forms (there are about 15-20 pages of details to collect - yikes) and am in the process of gathering all the correct detail and realised that in 10 years I've been to ~16 places internationally. I've spoken to the recruiter who says just...