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  1. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    To all the doubters and haters on here, one individual with some luck and a kick ass legal team (pro bono) can make a difference and change the law! To all the supporters, many thanks For more info on our voctory, pleasse see: http://leavenovetbehind.ca/home "It is not the critic who counts...
  2. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/supreme-court-backs-veterans-class-action-over-pension-clawbacks/article1848203/?cmpid=rss1 Supreme Court backs veterans’ class action over pension clawbacks Mike Blanchfield Ottawa— The Canadian Press Published Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010 10:30AM EST...
  3. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Hi Kat Sorry to trouble you with important and current info. That is why I started a new topic. My apologies. I will only post on here from now on. Thanks
  4. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Hi All i am not trying to beat a dead horse with another topic related to the SISIP LTD Clawback of VAC disability monies. I am offering my contact information for those of you who still do not understand the claim-class action, or for those who simply wish to get some `more and updated info...
  5. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Federal treatment of disabled veterans disgraceful Government actions seem geared to deny what is justly owed to more than 4,000 injured soldiers By Sean Bruyea, FreelanceJanuary 27, 2010  It has become a sad truth that the path of an injured soldier to receive disability benefits in Canada is...
  6. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Class Action Suit – Reduction of S.I.S.I.P. Long Term Disability Benefits by the Amount of Pension Act PaymentsManuge v. Her Majesty the Queen Court No. T-463-07 The Federal Court of Canada has certified the above case as a class action. If you are a former member of the Canadian Forces whose...
  7. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Federal treatment of disabled veterans disgraceful Government actions seem geared to deny what is justly owed to more than 4,000 injured soldiers By Sean Bruyea, FreelanceJanuary 27, 2010  It has become a sad truth that the path of an injured soldier to receive disability benefits in Canada is...
  8. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Dear Veteran and/or Veteran Supporter We would like to thank you for your willingness to participate in a rally/news conference in Ottawa in support of the January 21st Supreme Court hearing on the Unfair Deductions from SISIP. The response numbers for a possible rally were less than...
  9. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    January 8, 2010 To: Mr. Peter Stoffer, NDP MP- Sackville Eastern Shore 2900 Hwy#2 Fall River, N.S.  B2T 1W4 Telephone:  902-861-2311 or 1-888-701-5557 Fax: 902-861-4620 Dear Mr. Stoffer SUBJECT: NEW VETERANS CHARTER AND DENIALS OF APPLICATIONS FOR BENEFITS AND SERVICES Sir...
  10. Representative Plaintiff

    Supporting our Wounded Soldiers - Discussion of Various Funds Available

    June 1, 2009 Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D. Governor General of Canada Rideau Hall 1 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1 Dear Your Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D. Governor General of Canada...
  11. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Hi guys and gals Been a while. Hope the entire letter to GG helps clarify things for those who do not understand. I hope this finds everyone doing well. Government does not tax VAC disability monies, but SISIP Maulife and the Earnings Loss Benefit under the New Charter do consider it as income...
  12. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    The reporting on the Federal Court docket represents the usual litigation grind including the DOJ’s objections to including estate claims and our response, and forcing the Defendant to get their documents in order and disclose them to us. This will go on for the next 12-24 months...
  13. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Good points Horseman, but I challenge you on the "injured in combat vs, medically released" If that's your opinion, great, however, I broke my back in Petawawa, at 3 RCR, they took almost 2.5 yrs to tell me what I had done to myself, and I did my tour in Bosnia, broken back and all.....I was...
  14. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    dataperson I can say sorry to you directly for the strong attitude and tone. Yes we might disagree on alot, though I'm not sure why. I just got an e-mail from a female disabled veteran of 28 years service who is currently being clawed back $2900/month. Because SISIP's application says "up front"...
  15. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    My ego is large, you don't get where I have gotten, with-out one. But it is not too large to appologise to the milnet staff. Sincerely I do! I find it very difficult to read things posted by those who are not involved directly and therefore have access to the "real story" and factual...
  16. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Will do Tess! I hear you and I know you know from where I am coming
  17. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Hi Guys and gals My tone and my will has gotten us a certified class action in federal court, maybe if more folks had the stones, court would not have been necessary. I of all people are aware of the decision being on certification, but have any of you read anything in the legal form for this...
  18. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    NOTICE OF CLASS ACTION REGARDING THE REDUCTION OF S.I.S.I.P. LONG TERM DISABILITY BENEFITS BY THE AMOUNT OF PENSION ACT PAYMENTS Manuge v. Her Majesty the Queen Court No. T-463-07 The Federal Court of Canada has certified the above case as a class action. If you are a former member of the...
  19. Representative Plaintiff

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Dataperson FYI and to other nay sayers who think they know everything about everything! It is your own ignorance and lack of understanding, along with the rest of Canada's population, that allow attrocities like this to carry on! I'm an advocate and educator of people....whether you like me or...