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  1. commingsoon

    September 2008 Reg Force BMQ ALL Loations

    I joined as air force RMS Clerk!! This is exciting to see people that are coming!!! Anybody have tricks to get better at running within the next 2 weeks I need really need good advice??
  2. commingsoon

    September 2008 Reg Force BMQ ALL Loations

    That is wonderful what trade and element are you going as? I won't be very close from home but as long as I can keep in touch it will be fine!
  3. commingsoon

    September 2008 Reg Force BMQ ALL Loations

    I am looking to find people that are coming to Borden for a BMQ starting September 2ND 2008. I am going to sign my papers on August 28Th in Fredericton New Brunswick and it would be nice to talk to some people that either come from here or anywhere else! I hope there is a few.
  4. commingsoon

    Borden Thread- Merged

    OK so this was our experience. He got off his BMQ had the weekend to get to Borden he waited 2 and a half years for his course that lasted close to 1 year. He got a PMQ in Borden about I would say not even 2 months after. What he had told me is in order to have your family come as soon as...
  5. commingsoon

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    Well I know for sure that you only do the fitness test when you get to boot camp that is for regular force. If you don't pass you go into a sort of gym class for a while. You could get more info on forces.ca and speak to a recruiter there they will let you download a page regarding fitness test...
  6. commingsoon

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    It's fine by me I guess I didn't expect such a reaction. As it wasn't really something I stressed in what I asked for as in help. All is good I understand now what you mean. Thanks
  7. commingsoon

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    I know this, and I asked for opinions on the SITUATION also or anything constructive, i'm not looking for negative reactions obviously. I never complained about the waiting time, I just thought it was curious how it went from I need to get some papers filled out to not needing them anymore. I...
  8. commingsoon

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    I understand that I have to wait and I accept that. I was just asking if there was any opinion on this. I have taken appointments with my doctors already since there is a wait for an allergy specialist in case they refuse and need more information, so yes I wait but take my responsibilities in...
  9. commingsoon

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    I am currently in the process of enrolling in the armed forces. I have been through the aptitude test and interview no problem what so ever. Medical got me confused... I don't know if anyone can help with their thoughts or experiences regarding the way it all came down. The only problem I came...