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  1. N

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    I don't think that you do not care. I think it gets shown in the wrong ways. Loving your country isn't a bad thing. Taking things from the military at face value because it's somehow patriotic doesn't help our democratic situation. Of course Canada has had trouble with corruption. Every...
  2. N

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    Never did I say anyone was automoton's here. I have friends and family who were in the military and I myself was in Cadets for 5 years. I have an idea of what its about. And also, you don't dismiss ideas, but of course, my thoughts are just leftist opinions that are misguided and wrong. Clearly...
  3. N

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    No, I can't say I do understand it. Clearly, the people there want us so badly, yet so many soldiers are coming home in body bags. Its a shame. It was never my argument that what we're doing there ISN'T right, just misguided and creating larger problems than were there originally. It was also my...
  4. N

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    Foreign troops the government has invited for training purposes are different than an invasion for combat purposes. As for Italian airbases, ask Italians. I don't think too many Europeans are happy with US military bases in their country. Have I been to Afghanistan? Clearly not. But has anyone...
  5. N

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    Hypocrisy, no? I respect peoples opinions, but the fact is many people here are complaining of Canadians not wanting to become educated about the Canadian mission to Afghanistan. However, here is a prime example of people just throwing an opinion out the window simply because you don't agree...
  6. N

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    I don't personally view it as such. However, its not what I think of the situation, or indeed what you think of the situation. It's what the Afghani's think of the situation that determines our chances of success or failure. Considering the amount of dead and wounded, I wouldn't imagine that a...
  7. N

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    That question in itself is skewed. Very few people are obviously going to say no to helping people. The question plain and simple should be do you support the Canadian mission to Afghanistan. Thats the purpose the polls in the first place. To find out whether or not Canadian citizens support...